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Industrial plot request: scrapper


New Member
It would be cool if there could be an industrial plot where there'd be a container into which you could just dump all your scrappable crap (junk, armor, weapons), and that plot would then start scrapping it all at a reasonable pace, and dumping the resulting components into either the workbench (probably safer), or into another container within that plot. There could also be an option to donate the resulting scrap to the city.

Towards the end of the game, especially with the help of Salvage Beacons, us hoarders tend to end up with quite a bit of stuff that could be turned into usable materials by scrapping, but it's just quite a bit of work, and the manufacturing machinery is just cumbersome and slow as hell to use.

Maybe even make it an advanced plot, where the first level is only able to scrap junk or something, and you can upgrade it to specialize in armor scrapping, weapon scrapping, ammo dismantling, and so on.

I know there are some mods out there that make scrapping a bit easier, and as said, there's the manufacturing machines, and there's even been a suggestion for a salvage beacon -style thing, but I just felt like it would be such a great addition to SS itself.

I did try checking for suggestions about scrapping on here, didn't see any threads for it though. And, if there actually is some plot that does this, my apologies.
I talked to IDEK about something similar, and his opinion was that papyrus was badly suited to this. That said, I'd love to sea someone manage a plot like this. My own two cents is it would have a container where you would place things that are okay to scrap from the workbench and it would pull only those items and return the scrap to the workbench.

That said, if the scrapper could collect items and scrap dead bodies after attacks, I'd consider it well worth it.
I think @mytigio 's addon has something like that.

...I'm sure it has a plot that scraps corpses, at least. Do correct me if I'm wrong, though.
I think @mytigio 's addon has something like that.

...I'm sure it has a plot that scraps corpses, at least. Do correct me if I'm wrong, though.

Some of the plots do mention recycling stuff, but as far as I understand it, it's not actually the player bringing stuff into the plot to be recycled, but just a "backstory" behind the plot, in the sense that the NPCs supposedly find stuff to recycle and then the plots just generate different types of scrap. In effect, they're just regular scrap generation with a different flavor. Unless I've misunderstood them completely. I do have the Industrial City addon, and at least the scav and robotics plots in use, but I'm sure there's no such mechanic as what I was thinking of.

The manufacturing machines are fun and all, but they actually send out the crap out of the scrapper machine on a conveyor belt, and I have, more than once, had to collect it from the ground as it falls due to the material pieces loading before the machine loads, or something. That's not super fun. Plus, the machines are slow as hell.

A quick way of scrapping stuff would be to just collect a pile, drop it on the ground, and scrap it in the build mode, but then the stuff flies everywhere and the build mode takes forever to open and all that. Scrapping stuff in the benches gives me carpal tunnel!

No but seriously, it was just an idea, a very small QoL improvement for getting rid of the million metric tons of armor, weapons, clothing and other crap we can end up with eventually, especially with the help of Salvage Beacons. It might be too difficult to pull off, and then there'd be the question of whether the player perks affect it.
I think @mytigio 's addon has something like that.

...I'm sure it has a plot that scraps corpses, at least. Do correct me if I'm wrong, though.

Nah, I don't do either of those things, although corpse/robot corpse scrapping is on my eventual todo list.

A plot that can scrap items into components could be doable perhaps, I'd have to check the scripts, but it would have to do so at a rate instead of as fast as possible to avoid overloading the engine I imagine
Hey, I'd just be delighted to have one that meant I didn't have to go running around the whole settlement looking for bodies to loot.