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Ideks logistic station


Has anyone tried Ideks logistic station with ROTC?
How does it play with the ROTC shared resource feature?
I tried it and it has been working well for me. It removes resources from linked settlements and gives it to settlements in a deficit, which can be helpful for dynamic needs. It also takes the surplus items generated in the workbench and industrial/adv. industrial plots and puts them in a global storage so you can collect them easily.
Just as I said, Kinggath made settlement building how it should have been in vanilla f4, THIS mod is HOW supply lines should have been.

I only tried it out today and LOVE it, so far (and maybe it is me) my only problem is on a new save I had a plot in sanctuary went to ten pines, and then had to go back to sanctuary in order to get the junk needed to start building.
I like everything about this mod, I suggested an optional feature to disable the provisioners and just provide sharing with all settlements that got the building just like Nuka-World raider settlements.
I'm tired of seeing those brahmins everywhere and they make an awful lot of noises when and if they get stuck in buildings... I also would like to disable them just for the extra stability of the game.
I like everything about this mod, I suggested an optional feature to disable the provisioners and just provide sharing with all settlements that got the building just like Nuka-World raider settlements.
I'm tired of seeing those brahmins everywhere and they make an awful lot of noises when and if they get stuck in buildings... I also would like to disable them just for the extra stability of the game.
they are mod that change brahim provisioner.
can anyone confirm whether or not the logistics shack counts as an indutrial plot for purposes of martial plot upgrade requirements?
If it's an industrial plot type, it'll count. If it's not, it won't unless IDEK made some tweaks under the hood. Plot type counts are determined by the core SS, not the addon.
well it falls under the industrial category... so i guess we'll just watch and see :)

on a related note...

if i donate supplies in the form of food or water to, say, my primary settlement, sanctuary, will the logistics shack redirect those donations to other settlements that could use it?
AFAIK it's a standard supply line link so it will have the same benefits and limits as a standard supply line. What is so useful about IDEK's supply line addon is that it calculates things like an internet routing table so it does a really good job figuring out where it should go.
How do you guys use this with the city builder?.

Initially I just plopped one down in a blank space after the level 0 city plan was built, but I quickly found out that most times the building would be built over later, almost every spare area is used by RotC. So what I started to do was wait until the level 0 city plan was established, I would then find a residential plot that was already established, demolish it and replace it with IDEK. And by the way IDEK is one of the best mods on the Nexus.
Dang, I have been putting down the big outside building somewhere, but it was getting annoying waiting for an internal industrial to pop up, often the logistics was level 2 or 3 before one popped up, its getting annoying having to knock them down to restart over.

I really hope in the future all plots will show up like the residential plots do.
I just installed this mod myself, and what I do (or try to do) is make a provisioner is a new settlement, until I see RotC created an industrial plot there, then I will go and change that one in a logistic's plot
For sanctuary, I use the waterfront area to the right of the bridge as you walk in, that whole field is entirely empty and it's not so far off the road that the settlers wander through the water instead.
I absolutely love the idea of the logistics stations. Ideally, I think they should be combined with kinggath's salvage beacon mod, and the salvager dispatch stations from Mytigio's add-on pack to create a sort of logistics and communication hub for the settlement. Guiding prospective new settlers to the settlement, organizing supply routes, and coordinating the settlement's scavengers and salvage teams.
In gameplay terms, it'd all for a very easy settlement start-up; just drop a single plot and you get recruitment, supply lines, etc. all working in one go, without the need to lug around the stuff necessary to build a generator, radio tower, etc.

That said, I encountered a really nasty bug where resources kept disappearing. As in "I should have a couple hundred units of rubber distributed across my settlement network from all the tires and whatnot I scrapped, so why does it show that I have only five?", or "Where'd all that radroach meat, bloatfly meat, etc. I've been gathering since crawling out of my freezer go?"
Food disappearing might've been part of the new resource-distribution system from Sim Settlements/RotC, meaning my settlers simply ate it, but for the other resources, the only potential culprit I can think of is the IDEK mod, since it's the only that interacted with them.

Can anyone support or disprove my experience? I was using Sim Settlements 3.1.2 and the latest IDEK logistics station mod at the time, but the version of my main game is somewhat out of date (1.9.4), so I'm wondering if that might've caused any problems.