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I googled fix Marcy so you didnt have to


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People's complaints about the Concord 5 are really treading on my last nerve.

People's complaints about the Concord 5 are really treading on my last nerve.

I would like a 'Hammer of Magnitude' sledge that would, on impact, do a 'SetScale .1! Then... maybe... I could put the Elzee stomp to good use! Heck, after the 'impact' start playing the "La Cucaracha"... but ramp up the samples so it sounds like it's a bumblee bee in fast forward!
I would like a 'Hammer of Magnitude' sledge that would, on impact, do a 'SetScale .1! Then... maybe... I could put the Elzee stomp to good use! Heck, after the 'impact' start playing the "La Cucaracha"... but ramp up the samples so it sounds like it's a bumblee bee in fast forward!
Hmmm could use the Mantis Nymph sounds for New Vegas for when you tapdance em.
Hmmm could use the Mantis Nymph sounds for New Vegas for when you tapdance em.
It's interesting as she should only complain about you... at least until you tell Jun that you've lost someone also. I'm serioulsy considering flying up to the Bethesda corporate offices and checking under desks for space 'pumpkins'. We really don't want this thing to spread to far...