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HQ Resource Values Not Updating


I have two supply agreements with Sanctuary and The Castle both of which have recently received new industry plots but the resource values at HQ never change. I'm stuck with 9 people including Strong at HQ but cannot build living quarters because they want at least 500 organic resources.

My organic resources are currently listed as 1728 at Sanctuary and unknown at The Castle but that 1728 should be enough for HQ to have more than 100 which it currently has. I can only assign one staff member to each non facility department right now because I need at least 40 facility energy to build living quarters for 4 people and/or 500 organic resources to build smaller quarters. I have never had this problem before because all I recall doing in the past to send resources to HQ is create an agreement and build industrial plots.

Also, how often does HQ recalculate its resources? It SHOULD be daily but that doesn't appear to be the case because when I sit on a couch at HQ and wait 24 hours the resources don't change.

Is there a way to force settlement to transfer resources to HQ? I envision a console command that says something like "transfer x amount from settlement a to b" or maybe add a way to manually transport resources in bulk using the chemistry station (ex: recipies for bulk shipments of resources you can take to HQ and deposit yourself) alternatively is there a cheat which can add resources at HQ?

Honestly, you shouldn't have such a low max population that early in the game. There is a giant empty building where people could live better than I see them living on the streets but no hobos can squat there until they have living quarters? Give me a break.
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There's an option to turn off recruitment costs for soldiers in the holotape/MCM
Tried that already. When I actually visit my outposts I find them stocked full of soldiers. The problem is when I try to use the soldiers it always says there are zero. I tried turning off assault costs and recruitment costs. Even before that there were plenty of soldiers despite recruitment costs.