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Question How do you build your city?


Well-Known Member
Do you build up to level 3 then start subtracting?
Or do you start at foundation and build your way up?

Pros/ Cons
I build level 3 and then regress.

Regression is easier, imo, because taking pieces away is easier then trying to fit new stuff in. Once the whole picture is there, it's easy to replace studs with walls.
Up till this month I've always gone with the recommended build level 3 then regress down. With Sanctuary I'm doing it the other way around, which actually seems to be fitting my style better, but it's early days yet.
Building from foundation up does seem to make it easier to build naturally and make good use of the vanilla resources laying around. Sanctuary has a particularly large collection of furniture to re-use. I think that it would be impractical to replace the piles of ruins while regressing to foundation. It also prevents ending up with some plots that looked in a good location at L3 looking out of place at lower levels.
On the down side (or it may even prove to be a plus) I'm having to be much more careful with how much I build to avoid running out of build limit. I find myself unsure whether having used half the build limit on L1 is good or not yet. Lots of planning and constantly tweaking spreadsheets and I'm still not 100% on what the final population will be.
A question that I have - which I have not seen or answered - is if I build something that is in the lower levels, but scrapped in the upper levels, will this work? Or is everything stackable. Meaning if a lower city level has x, y, z (not related to plots but build items), will it always be there in the upper levels?

If stackable, then regression seems to be the best way to account for these items? If things are scrapable, then progression (except plots as @NDCowdy mentioned) would be the best way.

A question that I have - which I have not seen or answered - is if I build something that is in the lower levels, but scrapped in the upper levels, will this work? Or is everything stackable. Meaning if a lower city level has x, y, z (not related to plots but build items), will it always be there in the upper levels?

If stackable, then regression seems to be the best way to account for these items? If things are scrapable, then progression (except plots as @NDCowdy mentioned) would be the best way.

When a city plan level builds in game it removes all of the non plot items from the previous level, storing any items in containers. On slow computers this can look a bit weird as it builds before it removes, so you can get a temporary overlap as the scripts catch up.
When regressing it is common to replace items from the higher levels with more basic versions, which would cause the same theoretical issue if early level items were not removed.
So, I am running into a serious problem with my progressive build.
I did not scrap all things in the settlement before I started and scraped things as I progressed from 0-3.
However most all of the junk disappears when I at level 0. Is there a way to stop that?

Edit: Never mind, I figured it out that I need to export the levels with transfer settlements and check the "Export Original items"
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A question that I have - which I have not seen or answered - is if I build something that is in the lower levels, but scrapped in the upper levels, will this work? Or is everything stackable. Meaning if a lower city level has x, y, z (not related to plots but build items), will it always be there in the upper levels?

If stackable, then regression seems to be the best way to account for these items? If things are scrapable, then progression (except plots as @NDCowdy mentioned) would be the best way.

I built a 2 plots that I only wanted to use for one level of my city build, then on the next level I deleted the plots and replaced it with 4 other plots. The deleted plots persisted permanently during testing.

I also discovered that I had to touch all of the junk before it would stay during export with both TS and the new Export method, despite checking the "Export Original Items" box being checked during TS export.
I built a 2 plots that I only wanted to use for one level of my city build, then on the next level I deleted the plots and replaced it with 4 other plots. The deleted plots persisted permanently during testing.

I also discovered that I had to touch all of the junk before it would stay during export with both TS and the new Export method, despite checking the "Export Original Items" box being checked during TS export.
Good to know. Sounds like I need to go do some item prodding.