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Hotfix 4.1.0a


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
Nothing game-breaking was found (miraculously...), but you all found a few issues in the new stuff that I wanted to get taken care of right away. Thanks for being so thorough with the reports everyone!

1. Patrols/Guards should no longer be caught by the auto-assignment code and sent back to their original settlements.
2. Multiple attackers can now be auto-assigned to Vassals to take over Martial plots, previously a bug in the code made it so that only 1 attacker was being auto-assigned as a guard.
3. Fixed some of the Conqueror MCM settings so they would correctly match the holotape settings.
4. Fixed a few more potential AI problems in Blast From the Past that would make the quest break (thank you damanding for finding me a couple save files to replicate the issues in!)
Thanks for the quick update KG, really excited to get my raiders patrolling now. And thanks again for the mods.