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Home by the Sea - Kingsport Lighthouse


Active Member
This is the settlement I've been waiting on. I think I have an idea for this place, I'll see how well it comes out.

Wish me luck!


"Then out of the dark was suddenly heard
Welcome to the Home by the Sea"

Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.05.29 -
Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.05.29 -

Kingsport has become a prosperous settlement for those with the knowledge and fortitude to survive in the Wasteland. On land, the civilians live modest but comfortable lives. The old house has been converted into a ground-floor diner and general store, and an upstairs clothing/armor store. There are three affixed residences, one of which is the player home.

Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.05.29 - Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.05.29 -

Across the way is the hotel, complete with outdoor bar, as well as two apartments. On the northern face are three houses as well as a gate leading down to the beach. Moving down to the stairs to the east, you will find a Slocum's Joe built into the cliff-side as well as a waterfront medical center inside the dock.

Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.05.29 - Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.05.29 -

Kingsport is home to some of the Commonwealth's brightest marine scientists and engineers. They have taken it upon themselves to study the ocean. The boat which was anchored here has been refitted to undertake deep sea research, while the hydration research lab has acquired some mirelurks for study.

Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.05.29 - Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.05.29 -

As for the lighthouse, it is finding a new life as a solar tower.

Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.05.29 - Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.05.29 -

So come to Kingsport - now 100 percent Children of Atom-free!

L0-2 coming soon, please be patient I am a very tired boy.
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Is there a healthy, low-fat alternative to fabricating solar panels out of miscellaneous crap in the Project Blueprint mods? I've scoured every category looking for possibilities and have resigned myself to having to get creative, but I was wondering if maybe there was something I missed which might have worked?

I soldier on undeterred either way.
There are solar panels in Industrial Revolution, you have to get into the tech tree a bit to unlock them. Use this console command:

set kgSIM_SolarPanelsAvailable to 1
So I've just noticed that a power source is technically outside of the build limit. Is this going to negatively impact the power input to the city plan? Or will TSB recognize it as part of the city plan?

It'd be smarter to move it within the boundaries, but I like the power source where it is and I want to avoid moving it if possible - getting it at the right angle was a goddamn chore.
It will be picked up and be part of the blueprint. But anyone who doesn't have mods that allow them to go outside the boundary won't be able to wire it up, should they need to.

Also, like turrets and beds, generators can get messed up and not work properly once you change their X and Y too much I find.
I shouldn't think they'd need to wire up, it's a power generator from the Project Blueprint mod i.e. looks like a standard connection point but provides power.

Really? Editing the XYZ factors can cause issues? Oof... I've done a bit of that on this power source. Worst case, the player might have to put in their own generator.
Yeah it can, make sure you place the generator at the angle you wan't and then wire it up. Don't change the angle and try move a wire that's already existing. It will look fine and everything will seem to be powered initially but after a cell refresh you'll be down on power.

There's a point in which most interactive items loose full functionality once you change their axis enough. To give yourself and idea of what this is, place a bed and tilt it by a few degrees at a time until the "sleep" no longer appears. It will still count as a bed just neither you or and npc can use it.

Also, if you're placing lots of stuff at angles do you know how to copy and paste parameters using place?
Alrighty, just about done with the L3 build and I'm super proud of it.

Couple of questions though:
- I have friendly mirelurks that keep getting out of the very big pen I've built for them. Is there any way to avoid this or is it just something I'll have to live with?

- I'm experiencing what I'm pretty sure is a common bug where the bed-count is higher than the actual number of beds. I have fifteen residential plots and one player bed but counting a total of sixteen beds, is it counting the player bed or should I refresh every residential plot to be safe?

- Not really a question but more a request - there are so many things in the Project Blueprint mod that are so fiddly to use. Some props and decals and such can't be reselected after being placed, and things that you'd expect to snap either don't or snap in a really weird way. I'm hoping this will be addressed in the future. Also the metal door-frame under Structures>Wood>Walls makes every door snap part-way into the ground.

Pictures of L3 incoming soon, so get ready for that!
- I'm experiencing what I'm pretty sure is a common bug where the bed-count is higher than the actual number of beds. I have fifteen residential plots and one player bed but counting a total of sixteen beds, is it counting the player bed or should I refresh every residential plot to be safe?

Well I am experiencing similar things at Egret Tours Marina. I left the Phyllis Daily mattress and my bed count was off. So I killed Phyllis (she was bugging me anyway) and let her body float down the river. then I deleted her mattress. Now the bed count was one low.

The checking tool said I had 15 interior plots but the settlement building menu said I had 14 beds and 15 settlers. The 14 was in red. So I threw down another dirty mattress and I had 15 beds but the settlement checking tool did not count the mattress. I don't think it is counting any loose beds but I also added a sleeping bag and it didn't count that either. A total of 15 + 2 was still 15 to the checking tool. So I did my own count and verified it was 15 + 2 and put it down to a bug.

Back in October when I did my first city build the player beds were excluded if you used the player bed from the blueprint section of the build menu so I think it is working correctly at Kingsport. I think that Phyllis Daily is screwing up the marina, even when she is dead and gone down the river.
Back in October when I did my first city build the player beds were excluded if you used the player bed from the blueprint section of the build menu so I think it is working correctly at Kingsport.

Yeah, I'm using the player beds from the PB mod. Really don't know how I'm one over though with fifteen plots and no other beds. This is quite the head-scratcher.

So I killed Phyllis (she was bugging me anyway) and let her body float down the river.

Aww, poor Phyllis.
Well I am experiencing similar things at Egret Tours Marina. I left the Phyllis Daily mattress and my bed count was off. So I killed Phyllis (she was bugging me anyway) and let her body float down the river. then I deleted her mattress. Now the bed count was one low.

The checking tool said I had 15 interior plots but the settlement building menu said I had 14 beds and 15 settlers. The 14 was in red. So I threw down another dirty mattress and I had 15 beds but the settlement checking tool did not count the mattress. I don't think it is counting any loose beds but I also added a sleeping bag and it didn't count that either. A total of 15 + 2 was still 15 to the checking tool. So I did my own count and verified it was 15 + 2 and put it down to a bug.

Back in October when I did my first city build the player beds were excluded if you used the player bed from the blueprint section of the build menu so I think it is working correctly at Kingsport. I think that Phyllis Daily is screwing up the marina, even when she is dead and gone down the river.
The checking tool incorrectly counts nonplot beds as work items. There is a thread discussing it in the comp help section. I think that it's making it miscalculate population maxs in city plans. I currently avoid using any loose beds for that reason.
Yeah, I'm using the player beds from the PB mod. Really don't know how I'm one over though with fifteen plots and no other beds. This is quite the head-scratcher.
Have you tried using the comp holotape to mark beds, see if there's one hiding? While the checker misses beds, the marker I found picks them up fine.