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Announcement Getting SS1 Support


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
Just wanted to say a few words about SS1 and people looking for help with it, as it was brought to my attention that posts are still being made here and not very frequently viewed.

While I'd love to help every user personally, I'd have to give up on actually working on mods any longer to have time to reply to every post. The hope with the forums is that users come together and share solutions with one another, and that when enough folks ran into the same issue, it will be brought to my attention to try and create a permanent fix in the mod.

This pattern has been working great, but since the release of SS2, the vast majority of users have moved on from SS1 and so getting questions answered for SS1 is going to be increasingly difficult. That also means the likelihood of people identifying actual bugs (versus mod conflicts) is becoming all but impossible.

We have kept years worth of forum posts up so you guys can search through existing content to find information, and some generous folks on the forums periodically come through here to answer questions. It's very unlikely you will receive official support from anyone on the development team, as the team that worked on SS1 was extremely small, most have moved on to other projects, and I'm the only one that was ever involved with the gameplay mechanics. As mentioned before, I barely have enough hobby time to commit to working on the mods, so going through these forums on the regular isn't something I have time to do.

I'm positive I have a bug!

If you find an issue that you can reproduce with no other mods than those I've created installed
(ie. Workshop Framework, Workshop Plus, Sim Settlements, Salvage Beacons, Conqueror), feel free to DM me here and send me the save with a description of the issue, I'd be happy to personally look at it for you and see if I can resolve it for another SS1 patch! It won't be fast support, I try to catch up on all my messages every few weeks, but I won't ignore a save like that!
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