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Freedom Fighters AWOL?


I tried searching for this but I did not find any threads that would be having the same issue.

When I tried moving Freedom Fighters from one outpost to another, they de-registered from the original one but never registered in the destination one.
They are nowhere to be found in the worldspace, not in either of the outposts nor their home base south of Egret Tours.
I am using a mod that adds Red Rocket stations as settlements, thinking they would make a decent chain of outposts throughout strategic locations, so at first I selected Red Rocket Boston as the command post. When I did, all FF registered as residents of the RRB.
I then moved the command post to Egret Tours as it is way bigger and wanted to keep RRB small and simple, so I got the FF together and one by one sent them to Egret Tours.
Thing is, the moment I assigned them to Egret Tours, they teleported instantly away (not sure if this is intended behavior) and are nowhere to be found since.

I tried using gavel to summon all settlers both in RRB and ET. My normal soldiers pop up, FF do not.
Tried taking a tour across other outposts, but did not find them.

Currently I have set the amount of soldiers that remain at conquered territories to zero, assigning their number manually and building turrets in captured important territories instead.

I tried to see if they pop up in the assault menu from the planners desk and they do, but I have no idea where the hell they physically are when not on assault.
Any potential leads?

Would anyone also be able to explain to me what the SR value in the brackets next to the soldier means?
Is there any efficient way to check the rank and rank progress other than summoning the soldiers at the outpost (which now is not applicable to FFs in my game)?

Thank you for any and all input!


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    Screenshot2 2024-03-19 172211.png
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I tried launching an assault during State of War with FF only.
They appear in the troop selection menu so I wanted to test that and perhaps see where the hell were they sent to by accessing their soldier menu.
The assault started and...nobody showed up.

It was the loneliest assault I had so far, but luckily at least a short one, courtesy of a nuke or two (up yours, Geneva Convention. You expired by 2077 in game).
Are the FF supposed to despawn at any point and if so, why would the assault planner show them as available? Have I borked something really badly?
yeah I'm having the same issue, no soldiers appear for an assault, but the event still happens and I fight them myself. It's also stopping me from completing the Hostile waters as I cannot find any level three soldiers...