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Fish Farm Food Output


I've been having issues with the fish farms changing their food output.
I've several of them built in my settlement and used them to be the backbone of my food production at 12 food each @ level 3.
A few weeks back, they started pumping out 24 each for some reason. I've no idea why, but I was certainly not going to complain! So I got rid of some of my other smaller farms and just had the fish farms.

However, with the latest update they've gone and nuked their output to 6 each. Was this an intended nerf?

If not, what should the fish farms be putting out at each level?
I've been having issues with the fish farms changing their food output.
I've several of them built in my settlement and used them to be the backbone of my food production at 12 food each @ level 3.
A few weeks back, they started pumping out 24 each for some reason. I've no idea why, but I was certainly not going to complain! So I got rid of some of my other smaller farms and just had the fish farms.

However, with the latest update they've gone and nuked their output to 6 each. Was this an intended nerf?

If not, what should the fish farms be putting out at each level?
Hi GIF! The fishfarm gives 4/8/12, same as the molerat farm, just double checked. These were the values Jose had set up so I haven't changed them, even though I think it makes sense for the molerat farm to give more than vanilla, compensating for the rebellious rats - but maybe not for the fish farm. (The vanilla Sim Settlements farms give 2/6/12 food)

I know I've seen a bug report somewhere on the forums on the double issue but I can't find it now. If I remember correctly, it had to do with script lag? Not sure, but not a bug in the plots themselves, as far as I understood.

They should never give 6 food - is that the value on the plaque? Otherwise, if you have dynamic needs on, you've taken that into account?
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FYI, if Dynamic Needs are turned off, all of the bonuses are removed as well. So the default food values become 2/4/6.
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Hi GIF! The fishfarm gives 4/8/12, same as the molerat farm, just double checked. These were the values Jose had set up so I haven't changed them, even though I think it makes sense for the molerat farm to give more than vanilla, compensating for the rebellious rats - but maybe not for the fish farm. (The vanilla Sim Settlements farms give 2/6/12 food)

I know I've seen a bug report somewhere on the forums on the double issue but I can't find it now. If I remember correctly, it had to do with script lag? Not sure, but not a bug in the plots themselves, as far as I understood.

They should never give 6 food - is that the value on the plaque? Otherwise, if you have dynamic needs on, you've taken that into account?

Howdy Tinuvia! Thanks for the reply.
I double checked them and they were on the plaque itself as 6 and showing on the plot as 6 when I hover over it. All of the fish farms are at lvl 3. The settlement is currently at -15 food on the sim settlements widget due to this problem, though it seems to fluctuate from that to -1 for some reason.
Dynamic needs is on.

I've tried refreshing a couple of times, but it hasn't made any difference.

FYI, if Dynamic Needs are turned off, all of the bonuses are removed as well. So the default food values become 2/4/6.

Thanks for the info KG!

Perhaps I should send y'all my save & load order so you can take a look?
Try standing in front of the plot, going into console and typing "tai" with nothing selected. Wait 2-5 realtime minutes and do the "tai" again to turn the settler AI back on.

If your scripts are lagged out this may be enough to help them catch up. The problem with this is that assuming this is the cause, they're going to fall behind again unless you send some of those settlers elsewhere or start scrapping turrets or plots.

You can buy some time and raise the ceiling on settlers a bit by doing the optimization tricks on the wiki that enhance the amount of system resources made available to the script engine. Usually when a settlement gets lagged enough to start impacting the plot output, it'll start CTDing when you quick travel to it as well. Solution to that is to just teleport close and walk in slowly.

Edit: Fixed a dumbassed spelling mistake
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If the plaque says 6 food at level 3 it certainly seems as your farms behave as if dynamic needs is off. Maybe try what tankthing suggests - and possibly test and build the fish farms in another settlement? (It works in my game, and I haven't heard this from anyone else so far, so I think it must be a local issue.)
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Usually when a settlement gets lagged enough to stat impacting the plot output, it'll start CTDing when you quick travel to it as well. Solution to that is to just teleport close and walk in slowly.

You can also really tell something is amiss if you are inside the settlement somewhere and try fast travelling out then getting a CTD. I usually do a save before I fast travel, rather than letting the game do it.

Quick question about using TAI in the console... that is globally correct?
Howdy folks,

Sorry about the delay in responding, I was out of town and unable to get back here.

None of these things worked in the end. New build fish farms seemed okay, but the ones which had dropped to 6 just stayed that way even after multiple refreshes, TAI treatments and the ini tweaks suggested.
I ended up just scrapping the fish farms and replacing them with multiple default farms, with a view to getting them up to level 4.

Regarding turning dynamic needs off, I have never actually used that setting so it's still at the default "on".

Thanks for all the help :)
Hi again, glad you at least got the new fish farms to work! Hope it stays fine now :)
Hi again, glad you at least got the new fish farms to work! Hope it stays fine now :)

I should have a look to see if new fish farms would actually work in the affected settlement. By "new build" I meant in other settlements, so it's entirely possible that building new ones in the specific settlement I've had trouble with would have the same issue.
Well, I found out why it was nuking the food output.
Some of you mentioned that dynamic needs was off? Well, apparently it was. Only the options menu was saying that it was on.

I noticed that the local options were all scrambled. I don't generally make the laws local, so I didn't even think to look under local as I never touch them.
Somewhere along the line, the local laws in this one settlement were randomised. An easy enough fix, no? Well there was a spanner thrown in the works. As I changed options back to match the global ones, the global ones were changing. I'd turn one thing on locally and it got turned off globally (and vice versa). I tried a fresh "reset to default" on both, but ended up with scrambled options both globally and locally rather than going back to the default settings.
Really weird behaviour.

Out of desperation (but not so much to make me reinstall from scratch), I tried the configuration wizard.
Wouldn't you know, it sorted out the options misbehaviour.

Well, that's one mystery solved! Thanks you lot :)