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Question Finch farm ctd problem


New Member
Hi! I recently posted this issue on the nexus page but thought it would be a good idea to ask here as well. I love the mod so far but I have encountered a problem where I crash to desktop from simply walking into a certain radius around finch farms. I have done some troubleshooting and determined that it is definately this mod (sim settlements and conqueror) that is causing the issue, more specifically it seems like it has to do with the pre-build conqueror settlement on Finch farm trying to load/render in and instantly crashing the game in the process.

I tried doing the remote destruction sequence through the city holotape which was adviced to me on Nexus but I dont think I can get close enough to the settlement to actually use it before I crash. This Issue is preventing me from completing several quests in the area which is frustrating but on the other hand I certainly don't want to uninstall conqueror/sim settlements because it is a very central component to my playthrough. It should also be mentioned that all other pre-built settlements I have come across has worked great with minimal fram-rate drops and no crashes so Finch farms seems to be the only settlement that crashes my game (so far atleast)

Any help or ideas about how I would go about solving this issue would be greatly appreciated :)
As you get close to settlements, especially heavily built ones, a lot of scripts start trying to run on top of the game loading up all the items, npcs and defences. Npc's trying to work out how to path around the settlement can be a common problem in a complicated or badly laid out settlement. Moving towards them very slowly while looking at your feet can help get closer. But I also find that sometimes if you just head off somewhere else for a while, work on another settlement, clear a location or two. Then when you come back what ever was getting stuck before has eased enough to get in without crashing. You'll probably still need to reduce the load, maybe by reducing the size/ population of the settlement, or tidying up paths/ walking routes to try and prevent it happening again.
As you get close to settlements, especially heavily built ones, a lot of scripts start trying to run on top of the game loading up all the items, npcs and defences. Npc's trying to work out how to path around the settlement can be a common problem in a complicated or badly laid out settlement. Moving towards them very slowly while looking at your feet can help get closer. But I also find that sometimes if you just head off somewhere else for a while, work on another settlement, clear a location or two. Then when you come back what ever was getting stuck before has eased enough to get in without crashing. You'll probably still need to reduce the load, maybe by reducing the size/ population of the settlement, or tidying up paths/ walking routes to try and prevent it happening again.

Yeah I assume this is what is happening although im a bit confused why other large settlements work fine and only Finch Farm is causing a crash. Fixing it seems to be the hard part. I did try looking down at the ground while approaching the settlement but it still crashed unfortunately. The thing about reducing the size or population is that I can't get close to the settlement to do that. If there is a way to do it remotely I would love to know about it because I would not mind wiping that whole settlement if it meant i could actually enter that part of the map without crashing. I will try doing what you said about doing some other quest and clear other locations and see if time will solve my problem. Fingers crossed.
Having done a lot of Conqueror Pre-Builds on my Nexus mod page, I have offered lighter versions.

In my testing, it isnt specifically Finch. It is also if you have the Slog. Much like you have to pick and choose. Sanctuary/Red Rocket/Abernathy or Outpost Zimonja/Tenpines, etc...

Not sure about Greentop or Country Crossing just down road from the Slog and Finch.

I dont think it is the mod per say, as much as it is the engine limitations and what you accept, etc.

Having done a lot of Conqueror Pre-Builds on my Nexus mod page, I have offered lighter versions.

In my testing, it isnt specifically Finch. It is also if you have the Slog. Much like you have to pick and choose. Sanctuary/Red Rocket/Abernathy or Outpost Zimonja/Tenpines, etc...

Not sure about Greentop or Country Crossing just down road from the Slog and Finch.

I dont think it is the mod per say, as much as it is the engine limitations and what you accept, etc.


I have not gone to the slog so that settlement might very well also crash my game. I am also convinced its not the mod itself that causes the crash but what in my case seems to be much for my game/computer to handle. Although I do find it weird that other settlements I have visited which are to my eyes also giant work flawlessly.

But since I have this problem now I am looking for a way to fix it. Since the two options I have right now are either to uninstall conqueror and probably sim settlements in general (Which I have tried during my troubleshooting and have proven to fix the problem), or to completely avoid that area and never do any quests in that vicinity. Neither of these options is something I want to do since I have already invested a lot into sim settlements and conqueror and obviously avoiding a fairly large area of the map is not really a solution at all.

So any ideas how to solve this predicament would be appretiate, wild guesses are also welcome :P
I have not gone to the slog so that settlement might very well also crash my game. I am also convinced its not the mod itself that causes the crash but what in my case seems to be much for my game/computer to handle. Although I do find it weird that other settlements I have visited which are to my eyes also giant work flawlessly.

But since I have this problem now I am looking for a way to fix it. Since the two options I have right now are either to uninstall conqueror and probably sim settlements in general (Which I have tried during my troubleshooting and have proven to fix the problem), or to completely avoid that area and never do any quests in that vicinity. Neither of these options is something I want to do since I have already invested a lot into sim settlements and conqueror and obviously avoiding a fairly large area of the map is not really a solution at all.

So any ideas how to solve this predicament would be appretiate, wild guesses are also welcome :P

Remote scrap the city and build again?
Remote scrap the city and build again?
How would I do that? That is what I would like to do but im not aware of any options that let me do that. There is the remote destruction sequence that you can use from the city manager holotape but that does not do anything for me which I assume is because I can't get close enough to the settlement. Since I have never actually discovered finch farm on account of not being able to come close to it im guessing that option is unavailible to me. I'd love to be wrong about that though. Is there any other way to remote scrap it?