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Not a bug Faction Packs fail to load in War Desk


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City Planner (S3)
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Issue: With 4 faction packs running, none show up in the War Desk
Original Thread: War Desk not showing factions. I have 4 installed to test
Status: Bug Reported
Details: I'm not sure how to report this one as it is likely involving a bad Faction Pack that is stomping on the others. The original thread contains details to help narrow down the problem but it sounds like the Minutemen Faction Pack has a bug that is preventing all of the Faction Packs from loading.
Work Around: Delete the War Desk and rebuild it. This seems to reset the Faction Packs and loads them all correctly.
Unable to replicate this. If someone has a save with it occurring, I can take a look. If replacing the War Planner's Desk fixes it, this is not an issue with any particular faction pack.
I have this, so it's still a problem even in 4.1.1. I had only the Gunner pack. Says none installed. I rebuilt it. I fast traveled away and waited playing . . .. None installed. So I figured, well, let's add more. I added two more. Still none. I have control of Red Rocket for sure, built stuff there.
I’m also having this issue, even started an entirely new save to see if it would help any and it still tells me that I have no factions. I’ve got the Children of Atom and Gunner packs installed. :/
I’m also having this issue, even started an entirely new save to see if it would help any and it still tells me that I have no factions. I’ve got the Children of Atom and Gunner packs installed. :/

I too have the Children of Atom & Gunner packs, and neither are appearing. Coincidence?

I’m on the Xbox. They had shown up in the past with previous versions but I’m beginning to suspect something broke in an update. I’ve noticed on multiple characters now trying to get these to work. I’m glad someone specifically mentioned which faction packs weren’t working because I was pulling my hair out.

I’m willing to bet money that these two faction packs specifically have a bug affecting them. Anyone willing to investigate?
I'm having a similar issue. I've played through the main quest to the point where Father has asked me to find the synth at Libertalia. I decided to start building up my empire at the Red Rocket truck stop but when i build the warplanners desk the only faction i can choose is the Enclave. If i hit next or previous it just flashes but remains stuck on the enclave, i've update the frame work, scrapped and rebuilt the desk, fast traveled away and back but nothing has gotten it to work.