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faction pack creation


Active Member
Giving SS-C faction pack modding a try. So far couldn’t invoke the console command to add recruits but otherwise got the first part to work... selected newly created faction from the war desk and recruit appeared :secret . Onward.

As stated elsewhere, the intent is to create a scavver faction called the Regulators (don’t know FO canon enough so making up my own group). Nothing fancy in first incarnation. Just scavvers using base game and DLC stuff.
Some tentative looks with Cait - clipping is a bear so below are combos with relatively minor clipping

fwiw, backpack's gotta go. I want all the scavvers to have backpacks (how else can they carry off stuff) but not cool to make CC dependencies.

Light 'Regulators'
Fallout4 regulators light 1 - Copy.png
Fallout4 regulators light 2 - Copy.png
Fallout4 regulators light 3 - Copy.png
Fallout4 regulators light 4 - Copy.png

Heavy 'Regulators'
Fallout4 regulatgors heavy 1 - Copy.png
Fallout4 regulators heavy 2 - Copy.png
Fallout4 regulators heavy 3 - Copy.png
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Scavvers backpack or backpacks of the Commonwealth. If you are going make a dependency, might as well make them popular mods, lol.

Looks good
Looks sweet. Hoping to get a crack at this.
Hit a rabbit trail... there are a number of vintage posters (WW1, WW2, Cold War) that align with the scavver-farmer theme... conserve, salvage, recycle, victory gardens, security. Some reference things in the game (eg tin cans). The goal is to create posters using free use stuff with some texturing. The others ... will try to modify idea, image, etc.
one problem gone (folder got messed up)... now to get rid of the the smart aleck BoS comments (derived from using BoS templates per tutorial) and other tweaks

Fallout4 10_21_2019 7_02_40 PM - Copy.png
The Regulators
Between angels and devils is the land of the living consisting largely of folks who are neither a caricature of good nor evil but who navigate the space in between. The Regulators navigate in this space. They do so not as a bog standard group of wastelanders but as a resourceful and defiant group of scavvers, traders and farmers.
As leader of the Regulators, you have some friends. But, in this stark world, you have no allies and some formidable enemies. Your blood and the blood of your friends are on the hands of these enemies. It’s time to fight against the murder, pillaging, extortion and mayhem. It’s time to ‘regularize’ life in the ‘Wealth. If other factions don’t keep their bloody hands off you and your stuff, there’ll be a reckoning. There will be blood. Do as you must to carry the day.

Prior to the Minutemen and the American Revolution, there were other struggles. One was called the War of Regulation or the Regulator Movement. A simplified version of the story is that there were some colonists from western North Carolina who struggled against corruption and abuse of power. They weren’t idealistic. They weren’t aiming for democracy. Rather, they largely wanted to curtail the abuse and regularize life. They banded together and accordingly became known as the Regulators. Some New Englanders (Minutemen) were aware of the Regulators. (In the future, one might be able for find more about the Regulators in the Museum.)

The Flag
The fess (horizontal stripes) on the flag represents the Charles River (blue) and the surrounding Commonwealth (olive green). The black represents the persistent darkness or evil that envelops the Commonwealth. The bloody hand acknowledges the past shedding of blood and the admonition to enemies to keep their bloody hands off the Regulators.
Whenever you decide to port, I'd happily start a new gameplay, lol

Screens look awesome
Ok, seeking some advice...

So, on one hand, the core faction units (ie all covered by tutorial) are done (each unit has 1-3 unique uniform mashups and 2 specialized weapons). The faction has 3 special units. I’ve created customized flag, sound and decorations. Pink textures issues are gone and clipping isn’t perfect but under control.

On the other hand, want to add some deco mashups, would like to add at least one robot special unit, haven’t created custom posters and mags (have images ready), haven’t created commanders, haven’t put in static mesh-armor mashups yet, haven’t created a lot of faction created content (‘questy’ stuff, dependencies, recipes).

Right now, inclined to release as is, label it as WIP, and makes further changes as time permits. Reasonable? Or, am I not appreciating the difficulty/complexity of post go live changes?
Let me tell you...
Let me tell you what I see when I look at that Fess raccoon on this profile picture of yours.
I see an ingenious, sly and cunning raccoon rubbing his hands with glee as he mulls over
the massive pack he's about to drop on the Nexus.

The well-oiled thought-machine lovingly nursed and nurtured within the confines of his skull is getting all fired up with oneiric imagery as he ponders over the meaning of modding. The prophecy, he thinks, is finally about to enfold. After all these years, grandmama was right...

On the verge of clicking "upload", he imagines his A-bomb of a pack gently tumbling through the sky onto a thriving yet careless and unaware community of undeserving Fallout players. The sharp "CLICK" that radiates all around his finger sounds like a promise... a pledge of absolute annihilation and utterly complete destruction. Casualties far and wide. [His eyes turn blacker than usual] None shall be spared.

As the sound of his latest achievement dies out, he remembers the two alpha coons that used to bully him through high school. "Your [sic] a failure!", they said, "you'll never make it as a game developer, NERD!". Did he truly hate them? Did he? Fuck yeah, he did! And he didn't just hate them, his Freudian id demanded blood. (...) (...) (...) No more raccooning around, he thought, no more ransacking the neighbour's bin! Why should he continue wasting his life like the rest of them? He wanted more. Much, much more. At this very moment, an all-devouring feeling of envy started eating him up. He needed a master plan. And he needed it fast. Now was the time to foment a hot yet methodically crafted revenge.

His mind was set on it! He would conquer them all. He would conquer the hearts and minds of humanity. Most importantly, he would show Martha, the voluptuous raccoon-next-door who foolishly rejected his overtures, what he was truly worth.

For hours on end, he watched Kinggath instructional videos, blissfully listened to interviews of his favourite modding heroes, imagined himself featured on Juicehead's and Gopher's Youtube channels... A basic faction pack, he thought, wouldn't suffice. He wanted more, he wanted one to three unique uniform mashups for each of his units, two specialised weapons for each rank, three special units, a custom flag, soundscape and decor... Once he got all that after weeks of hard labour and heavy tinkering with the CK, ambition started gnawing on his soul again. Shouldn't he get some additional deco mash-ups? Some custom posters and mags? Commanders, static mesh-armor mashups and "questy-stuff"?

That, ladies and gentlemen, was when the holy ghost of his adored grandmama appeared to him and said: "HELL NO, MOTHERFUCKER! Don't you see this pack is dope already? Don't you see they'll all love it as is? And don't you dare put a fucking "WIP" label on it that makes it feel like it's some sort of Bethesda pre-alpha trashcan while it's already full of content. Just publish it already!"
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Let me tell you...
Let me tell you what I see when I look at that Fess raccoon on this profile picture of yours.
I see an ingenious, sly and cunning raccoon rubbing his hands with glee as he mulls over
the massive pack he's about to drop on the Nexus..."HELL NO, MOTHERFUCKER! Don't you see this pack is dope already? Don't you see they'll all love it as is? And don't you dare put a fucking "WIP" label on it that makes it feel like it's some sort of Bethesda pre-alpha trashcan while it's already full of content. Just publish it already!"
funny as heck. thx! point taken.
On one hand, don’t feel pressured by anyone to release content you don’t feel comfortable has what you feel it should have or with content that isn’t polished the way you feel it should be. You are NOT a game developer, you don’t have a release date.

That being said, what Tyee said is a creative trap that everyone can fall into. And here is the kicker: you are not an artist in the “classic” sense of the word. You aren’t a signer or painter or sculptor or movie maker that releases his creation and cannot go back to it (don’t talk to me about George Lucas). A mod is not a piece of art, it’s a project that can evolve, be revisited, be improved upon. In many cases, it’s expected. Sim Settlement is a perfect example of this.

I believe your original release of a mod like this should accomplish two things: give the content you want players to enjoy and a clear direction of what you want to achieve in the future. For some mods it won’t be more than bug fix but it’s not the case of most add-ons to a mod that is still evolving.