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Solved Exiting from Build Mode after level up shows Zero Health


It appears that if you level up while in build mode, once you exit out of build mode you have less than zero health or at least the game behavior is that of being poisoned. So as soon as you take something to restore your health you get the heart beat about to die animation, and the way healing is being shown on the HUD status bar it as if you have been poisoned. Going into the pip-boy and check status prior to taking a healing item, the status screen showed my character had full health, though the HUD showed zero health or possibly negative health. In any case taking a healing item triggers the same "poison" behavior. You can die if you do take a healing item that does not heal you enough to compensate for the "poisoned" effect.

It is possible that this is being caused by WorkShop Frame Work or WorkShop Plus, but I don't have the skills to be able to make a proper determination. I can say this is not part of the base game or being caused by UPFO. I was able to test with just the base game and UPFO could not recreate the issue.

I have 2 saves that show this issue, that I could upload to the ticket but the site says they are too large.

Mod List.
# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
unofficial fallout 4 patch.esp
Faster Terminal Displays (5x).esp
Combat_Helmet_Illumination 1.2.esp
upload the 2 saves that show the issue. I had to compress them.
Seems I remember this issue from like a year ago, or more?


    2.4 MB · Views: 0
  • incorrect_health_after_build.zip
    2.7 MB · Views: 0
I don't have anything like that mod loaded that I am aware of, I just did a test with base install and UPFO since it is the only thing I know of that would effect something like that did not see the issue, and in any case that is my mod load order as well, so WFW load after it. I am going to test to see if I can recreate it on a the above install with WFW added to it. So it will be a base install of the game with DLC and UPFO, then WFW. If that does test is negative I will add workshop plus to the mod list and retest, again.

But I am seem to recall this issue was happening last year or maybe longer ago? I mean I have seen this before but it was a long time ago.
Added WFW to the mod list. Test was fine no issues.
Added WS+ to the mod list. Test failed immediately. I was able to recreate the issue multiple times as well. Simply level up in build mode, I did scrap some of the post. As soon as exited out of build mode and had zero or negative health.


  • loadorder.txt
    249 bytes · Views: 1
Sorry forgot to include screen shots and game save. Screenshot show the weirdness between the HUD health display and what the PIP-Boy thinks my health is, final two show how the hud behaves after taking health items.

Mod load list and order below.
# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp


  • health_decrease_test.zip
    1.9 MB · Views: 3
  • low_health_workshop_plus.zip
    2 MB · Views: 0
  • ScreenShot0.png
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  • ScreenShot1.png
    778.3 KB · Views: 6
  • ScreenShot2.png
    802.6 KB · Views: 6
  • ScreenShot3.png
    1.8 MB · Views: 7
  • ScreenShot4.png
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  • ScreenShot5.png
    1.5 MB · Views: 4
The issue you saw a year ago was caused if people wore armour that reduced fall damage.
I play with Gas masks of the Wasteland and if that loads in wrong order with WS+ I get the zero health on workshop exit, because Gas masks adds a new kind of Rad damage.

If you turn off immortality in WS+ settings do you still get zero health?
Okay did two test, results were the same with "zero" health.

Did not change any setting but stripped my character down to nothing. Same result.
Turned off immortality in WS+ settings. Same result.

Also keep in mind that right now I have vanilla game with DLC, UPFO, WFW, and WS+ installed that is all I have and i am level 6. I have not even really left the opening area.
I have not had this issue and I play survival base game but nothing that introduces health relate .

I also use auto eat and drink so if I am building, my health is okay when I get out of build mode.

I also dont have jet packs or special equipment or special buffs. With your limited list, I dont see what would cause this.

And you need to turn immortality on not off.

Are you using any other mod that changes your race? I do and if active, I turn off flight in build mode to prevent conflicts.

New game. on my laptop.
Vanilla game with DLC, UPFO
Added WFW to the mod list. Test was fine no issues. quite game restarted from save.
Added WFW and WS+ to the mod list. Test failed immediately. I was able to recreate the issue multiple times as well. Simply level up in build mode, I did scrap some of the post. As soon as exited out of build mode and had zero or negative health.
New game. on my laptop.
Vanilla game with DLC, UPFO
Added WFW to the mod list. Test was fine no issues. quite game restarted from save.
Added WFW and WS+ to the mod list. Test failed immediately. I was able to recreate the issue multiple times as well. Simply level up in build mode, I did scrap some of the post. As soon as exited out of build mode and had zero or negative health.

Something is wacked or legacy issues....
There has to be something else going on here, an ini setting possibly.
If it was a bug with those 3 mods in a LO everyone would have it, and we would have widespread reports.

Can you post a save with just the 3 mods used to Drive or Dropbox and link it here and I'll get KG to have a look at it when he has time.
I have already provided that in reply #6, plus some screenshots showing how the HUD and pip-boy don't agree on how much health my character has. I can upload again if you want me too....
I have already provided that in reply #6, plus some screenshots showing how the HUD and pip-boy don't agree on how much health my character has. I can upload again if you want me too....

Wait - what are you using to give so much HP at level 3? In your pics..... what are you using to give that?

Nothing, that is what happens after the "issue" occurs. Screenshot0 and Screenshot1 are taken back to back.

I am sorry, but at this point... just those mods will not cause this.

I suggest a complete uninstall through Steam, delete the entire Fallout 4 folder and do a complete fresh game install. And make sure the game is updated to 1.10.163 - plus the appropriate 4.2.2+ SS 1.10a+ WSF and WS+ to all match.

you have legacy script/settings issues or corrupted ini's from your past other mods - which we don't know or see. And obviously, these legacies are corrupting your game.

Complete wipe, complete fresh install, and only those mods - with a "New" game - not from an old save or anything.

Okay, I am baffled, BAFFLED I SAY! How am I supposed to be able to tell if there is some kind of game corruption going on?
I did all the above except I still used my original versions of WFW and WS+. In any case I could no longer recreate the issue. So it does appear that there was some sort of corruption in the game. But how the heck am I supposed to be able to easily determine that....