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Egret Tours Marina lore friendly rebuild


New Member
So this build sort of started with me trying unlock as many of the SS Industrial Revolution's added buildings is I could. When I started there was no real intention of things going as far as they have.

Within the settlement there are the following plots
14 SSIR - industrial buildings
1 SSIR - recreational plots
2 SS - homes
1 SSmod - home
1 SSmod - commercial building

There are also additional beds using the beds as homes feature.

Quick lore is as follows,

"Formerly known as the town of Egret the River City or simply River City. The marina was a bustling industrial marvel. One of the few places in the Commonwealth where manufacturing had retaken a hold of the people's hearts and minds. The second industrial revolution had begun and people were carving out a city to be proud of, but the Commonwealth was unforgiving. A slew of institute infiltrations and attacks begun to crack the confidence of the new industrious city and one by one people began to just pack up and move on… back to there old lives in Diamond City.
And now? Now the hustle and bustle is gone the people have moved on and the town has a new name. Dustry , because dust is all the quiet town gathers these days."

Link to a video tour is below


Did you add the "Dustry" part because your settlers won't stay at their workplaces?
Like the pier farm area!