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Does Rise of the Commonwealth for SS2 still work?


New Member
I was looking to install RotC but the recent comments on Nexus claim there are some technical issues and the sticky on Reddit claims it's not balanced. Does it work or should I pass on it?
I was looking to install RotC but the recent comments on Nexus claim there are some technical issues and the sticky on Reddit claims it's not balanced. Does it work or should I pass on it?
The ROTC City Plans look cool when they build up, however they have been ported over from Sim Settlements to Sim Settlements 2, so they are not optimized to be great for providing resources to Headquarters in Chapter 2 or for the War Mechanics in Chapter 3. You could use them and then upgrade them by changing plots or adding plots after the City Plans reach Level 3. I have seen issues with them so they do need some TLC managing your Settlements.

I also believe that they were designed in a way so that not all settlements provided the same resources, so some of the City Plans will produce agriculture, some will be industrial focused and others will be trading centers.
None of them were designed to use the newer municipal plans like Cemetaries, Sanitation or Hospitals, although those may build instead of the Caravan, Water and Power Plots.

Player choice really. There is the City Plan Contest Megapack for Sim Settlements 2 or find individual City Plans here: City Plan Contest City Plans. Lots of City Plans available, more on NexusMods.
I use the ROTC plans and heavily modify the plots (not only changing the building plan, but usually the type of plot as well).
For example, I build up Tenpines Bluff early and change the 2x2 residentials to multi-settler plans. Then a lot of the interior residential plots get turned into resource gathering plots. At Finch Farm, the plots on the highway all become residential and industry and farming go at the bottom.
One thing I often do is reduce the number of commercial plots, while keeping a few heavy commerce settlements (like oberland).
I also tend to focus farming in certain locations, such as Abernathy, Finch Farm and the slog. Then I can assign leaders with the farming booster trait (I also never build internal farm plots, as they cannot be made advanced - whereas internal resource gathering plots are fine as there are no advanced versions of those).

One thing I like about the ROTC city plans is they mostly have walls of some sort at level 3. I play with SKKs settlement attack system, so I also try to focus on martial plots that actually have turrets.