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Difficulty level for resource plot production


Well-Known Member
The great rebalance is coming which may make this suggestion moot, but currently it doesn't seem too difficult to produce enough materials to cover your maintenance and have more in storage for further building. One of the things I liked with SS1 ROTC was I needed to help the settlers get enough resources to upgrade their cities (although in that case, I usually just bought shipments of wood and steel). It kept me involved and gave me a reason to save my caps.

I know that's not for everybody, but it would be nice for those that do want the extra challenge to be able to select an option that cuts resource production in plots by 25% or even 50% (75%? yipes!). Basically, leaving it so you can just cover maintenance but need to donate resources to really get buildings and upgrades going.
It wouldn't have to actually change the plot values - only what shows on the HUD and the ASAMs (and then the actual production would just be multiplied by whatever percent in the daily update).
I don't know, maybe it's more difficult than I think, but I thought I'd throw it out there for the masochistics.
Some sort of "DANTE MUST DIE" level difficulty? I wouldn't use it myself, but I can dig having that as an option. Can already make it pretty obnoxiously tough by turning all maintenance costs on and enabling the "settler stats don't affect production output" option, though...