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Vanilla Bug - Unsolved Crashing exiting Molerat Den under Red Rocket


Okay, after 2 days of testing and much ... aggression at my PC, and headaches I have narrowed down this issue to my game and Sim Settlements.

I have tested this without any city plans or plots in the area, but whenever I try to exit the Molerat den under RR, my game crashes, the only thing I have at RR is the work table, and nothing built at Sanctuary.

I've been able to replicate this crash by literally leaving vault, looking round Sanctuary with Codsworth, then going to RR, the only time it doesn't crash is if I have Sim Settlements disabled. - Load Order.

That's an autosave as I entered the den, I did run around there to kill the molerats and then attempted to leave, that's when I got the crash (not sure if running around there is relevant or not to be honest)
Okay, addendum to this:

I've recently been told about a thread on the UFO4P forums that is someone having the same issue, and using the console command "tDetect" fixed my issue, now I am going to see if it is possibly a sub-mod of SS that could be the cause that I missed somewhere, and will start rebuilding my load order from that and will carry on until the issue returns.

I am hoping that it's not Altrip's farm (the only SS addon I can think of off top of my head that adds in a Molerat farm) as I use a few items from him.
@McKaby Did you ever find out which addon was causing this?

We're not altering anything at all in or around that cell - so I don't believe it is the core mod.
By digging deeper and searching around, including the stuff on AFK mods, it seems that this is a weird bug in the base Fallout 4, as it's happened to a lot of people with and without Sim Settlements.

It's been happening with the Bloodworms in Nuka World as well as molerats in "South of the Sea" and even reported with Radscorp ambushes as well.

So it's nothing at all to do with Sim Settlements, and as the last post there says:

"So as I don't think for one minute that the patch has caused the issue I am wondering if anyone from the team has the problem or if its being looked at at all - or is it one of those weird bugs that only affects those of us born in a certain month at a certain phase of the moon and who have blue eyes or something equally obscure rofl"

You can close this off KG, sorry for any hassle but it's probably worth keeping this topic in the system as well for anyone else who searches for this obscure bug.