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Covenant Compound - L3 COMPLETE

Are they attached to the settlement that way?
Sorry they are in a state of being not as
asigned but allied so you can then pop into build mode and send them to where they need to go.
Welp, dangerously close to build limit and I still haven't finished decoration, nor started lighting or put down navmesh blocks. Shit, I still gotta put in three more beds. Safe to say this image is a fair representation of my efforts thus far.
Today when I loaded up it said 'Nothing more can be built'. :skull
Not how I left it last night.
Recalculate Usage => Back to 75% (of the increased budget).:clapWhew...:happy
I usually add a ResPlot or 2 with a Big Tree at the start. When I hit the limit, I scrap them & have enough left to do lighting & light decorations, which is all I do mostly. I didn't do that this time.

Usually comes out nicer the the 2nd time, Good luck on rebuilding.
UPDATE: Lowered performance settings and disabled clutter et al. for SS plots, managed to recover a wee chunk of build limit. It will be enough, I hope, to finish this build.
Man, it has been one heck of a challenge. That upper limit is a real b-i-c-h.
Here's some more teaser images for y'all to peruse.:aye:
ScreenShot47.png ScreenShot48.png ScreenShot49.png
I'm itching for a bit more build space and I have a theory. As I understand it, what gets built in a SS plot also contributes to the build limit - is that correct? I noticed removing decorations and such gave me some more room to work with, so I'm guesstimating here that the buildings themselves must contribute something too.

If so I pose a question; could removing a plot from my build temporarily, reclaiming some of my build limit, getting close to the build limit again and placing that same plot back again be a possible method of gaining space? Doing that would technically push me over the build limit (if I'm understanding things correctly), even though SS plots themselves are built up outside of workshop mode.

Just want to be sure before I try it. I'm up to the last house and it's close to bare, and I REEEALLY don't wanna have to pull something else down to furnish it.
I'm itching for a bit more build space and I have a theory. As I understand it, what gets built in a SS plot also contributes to the build limit - is that correct? I noticed removing decorations and such gave me some more room to work with, so I'm guesstimating here that the buildings themselves must contribute something too.

If so I pose a question; could removing a plot from my build temporarily, reclaiming some of my build limit, getting close to the build limit again and placing that same plot back again be a possible method of gaining space? Doing that would technically push me over the build limit (if I'm understanding things correctly), even though SS plots themselves are built up outside of workshop mode.

Just want to be sure before I try it. I'm up to the last house and it's close to bare, and I REEEALLY don't wanna have to pull something else down to furnish it.
Yes, that works, but it can push you over.
I'm assuming you have hit the object limit again. That being the case, if most of your objects are static objects (they should be) it should still workout for a plan, because plans can combine static objects into collections (so they are only 1 object to the engine to deal with)

However, I'm Not sure it's still considered valid for the Contest if you've gone over...
I'll try the L1 idea first then, seeing as they're all already placed, see how we go from there.

I'm squeezing as hard as I can, I am!
Maybe leave your plots at level one, see how that pans out.

Holy heckaroni and cheese :shok1
That's before and after setting all my plots back down to L1. I even checked the triangle and draw call budgets at the workshop because I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I think I'm all sorted to finish up now, provided I haven't done something ungood :cool:
Not YET, but you are about to...
You need to be in budget when you are done.
I Think you can go a Bit over and still be valid as an entry, but if you spend much of that now you'll be way over when you're done.
All your buildings Will be L3 when done, and you Will have spent that much after they upgrade.
@Sirlach Your attention sir. :boss
Gentle Builders,
Your L3 Full of settlers and plots need to be under 2 x the Vanilla build Limit.
Only a few days left , make sure you have your top 10 pics in your 1st post.
Gentle Builders,
Your L3 Full of settlers and plots need to be under 2 x the Vanilla build Limit.

Right, so with plots all at L3 I can't be past x2 build limit.
That kind of gives a disincentive toward some plots that use up more of the build limit, I would have thought that what the plot builds wouldn't count... but if you've spoken then you've spoken.
Right, so with plots all at L3 I can't be past x2 build limit.
That kind of gives a disincentive toward some plots that use up more of the build limit, I would have thought that what the plot builds wouldn't count... but if you've spoken then you've spoken.
@harkness13 - There is probably a little bit of a grey area there but the build limit is based on triangles and plots take up triangles. Some plots are triangle monsters and others are lean. For covenant small simple plots are probably your friend. :)
@harkness13 - There is probably a little bit of a grey area there but the build limit is based on triangles and plots take up triangles. Some plots are triangle monsters and others are lean. For covenant small simple plots are probably your friend. :)

Is it simply a matter of staying within that triangle and draw call budget? Because if that's what it is, then that makes things significantly easier to understand.
That build limit bar can be one heck of a liar sometimes
not going to lie your build is fantastic and I think you should release it to the nexus. But the comp rules can be a harsh taskmaster.
Is it simply a matter of staying within that triangle and draw call budget? Because if that's what it is, then that makes things significantly easier to understand.
That build limit bar can be one heck of a liar sometimes
Yes: it is simply a matter of staying within that triangle and draw call budget.
Knowing Which one pushed you over is Really helpful. :declare

That build limit bar uses Both the triangles and draw calls to make that bar, so lots of draw calls (objects) can push you to the limit even if they don't use lots of triangles.
Or you can go over by having only a few objects that are really big or detailed, so use tons of triangles and over you go....
The limit is Both, because the engine can only do so much of either.

Extended Workaround: Using the creation engine you can combine a bunch of objects together into 1 (precombined) object. :declare
It still uses (Most of) the triangles of all the pieces, but it's only 1 draw call that way.
Gets you around 1 side of the budget, but it takes time to do, so not something I expect during the short timeline of the contest.:focus