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Question Conqueror soldier manager script lag?


Active Member
I've been using the Fallrim tool to inspect/cleanup my saves whenever I notice things becoming sluggish. Recently I've been seeing lots of "SSConqueror SoldierManager" scripts stuck and not finishing. I'll leave the game running for 30 min to an hour+ and they're still there when I check again. Also, when I just leave them and go on to do other sim settlements building, everything seems to back up behind them and I end up with 100+ scripts in the saves and crashing consistently.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong causing those scripts to not complete? I've noticed that reassigning guards can sometimes take a few minutes between pop-ups, and have tried to only reassign one at a time until the process completes, but the scripts are still in the saves.

Is it safe for me to terminate those soldier manager scripts to get things back to normal?
All I really do to cleanup is use the clean unattached instances option, (which I have none of in this save), and look to see how many scripts are backed up and if I should chill for a bit and let things finish running.

Right now I have 29 scripts running, 1 quest script for a quest that I just finished, a critter sound script, and 27 soldier manager scripts that seem to have been in this save for a few hours of play now.

I actually rolled back to this save because after the above mentioned save, I went to Sanctuary, did some regular non-SS building, got a notice my HQ was under attack and it would crash whenever I fast travelled. So I opened Fallrim and had like 125+ scripts running. Yikes. Mostly workshop manager scripts in addition to the clogged soldier manager scripts. So I rolled back the save to when it was just the soldier manager scripts and hope to fix things on this one.

Can I terminate the soldier manager scripts without doing any harm? Thanks for you help!
You shouldn't remove unattached instances, it even says so in the description on the Fallrim page, it can break things and has done for me in the past.
Where in the game was this save made? If it was anywhere near a settlement you are bound to have soldier scripts active.
Terminating active scripts is really only useful if you have eliminated the source of the problem, they will be back just as fast if something is causing them to run without completing/being cleaned up.
You shouldn't remove unattached instances, it even says so in the description on the Fallrim page, it can break things and has done for me in the past.
Where in the game was this save made? If it was anywhere near a settlement you are bound to have soldier scripts active.
Terminating active scripts is really only useful if you have eliminated the source of the problem, they will be back just as fast if something is causing them to run without completing/being cleaned up.
Ah gotcha, thanks. It was after doing the Lorenzo quest for the energy signature scanner. I figured a nice long trip away would help. Really hope I don't have to do that one again, haha.
I read somewhere that if you seem to be backed up on scripts, go into an interior cell (like the cellar in sanctuary) to let them run.
Thanks for the advice, yeah I read that somewhere as well. I decided to give it a go and parked myself at home plate for literally 6 hours real time and changed timescale to 1. I had 37 open conqueror Soldier Manager strings and after all that time I still have 37.

Is it trying to find homes and jobs for soldiers who may have gotten killed? Should I just terminate them all? Will that screw anything up irreparably or will I just need to reassign those soldiers again?
I don't think 37 strings are that bad. But I honestly don't know too much on PC side of things.

But, how many patrols do you happen to have?
Oh I didn't even think about that, good point. Probably between 5-10 maybe? When I opened up the strings all of the lines were things like check for home, check for job, auto assign job, etc. Those all seemed to be things that could be ok to terminate, but I really have no idea. May as well give it a shot and see what happens, what could go wrong? haha