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Solved Conqueror HUD missing in some outposts


Active Member
The HUD never comes up in Sunshine Tidings and Jamaica Plain for me, it appears in every other vassal/outpost I own, just want to know if its working for everybody else
The HUD never comes up in Sunshine Tidings and Jamaica Plain for me, it appears in every other vassal/outpost I own, just want to know if its working for everybody else

@nzane I haven't had time to look at this. If I remember the hud should function in a vassal/outpost
not sure in a regular settlement. Pictures will help with descriptions of where you are at and the status of the settlement.

@Bored Peon, please man. Pictures and descriptions. That is what we need to get stuff working better.
@Bored Peon, please man. Pictures and descriptions. That is what we need to get stuff working better.

I was already told in another topic last week that it is something that can not be fixed. If I wanted to get the correct info then I needed to save/load or do a refresh local data.

I think it is a coding issue similar to why the vault population management thingy has to be refreshed because the first time you use it the info shown is the last settlement you were at.

Damnit, Im really starting to think its my faction pack but idk
Are you using the option to control your vassal?
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The water count is wrong on the HUD.
The defense count is off on the HUD.
The idle count should only be 1 or 2 people.
Your HUD doesn't correct/update when you leave workshop mode?
@Bored Peon I thought you were talking about the new conqueror hud....:friends
@bullyrook yep, the "I don't know what to call it" "side hud" I did think it interesting my power one has also been glitched for at least 2 months and across 2 games. It updates fine when I first open my save. after that not so good. poping in or out of the workshop does not fix it. BP's are different ones but I think it is likely the same problem,

@Bored Peon I understand better now. That is not a little off and it makes the side hud near pointless. If I ever have enough time I want to start a 4th profile and game just to try to figure that bug out. I have some theories but I want / need to test them :scratchhead
Are you using the option to control your vassal?

Also this option is indeed turned on, should I toggle off? Sunshine Tidings is not a Vassal though so unsure why that is affected, one thing I noticed about Sunshine though, it progressed all the way to Level 1 54% with Codsworth assigned and it stopped a while ago and has not gone past 54% completion, not sure if this is related
Just to confirm, those settlements are done via Conqueror, correct? If you took any with Nukaworld, they won't show the new HUD because the Nukaworld raiding doesn't use the new rules.
@Bored Peon I understand better now. That is not a little off and it makes the side hud near pointless. If I ever have enough time I want to start a 4th profile and game just to try to figure that bug out. I have some theories but I want / need to test them :scratchhead

If I save in the settlement then load the game in the settlement the HUD works perfectly. Most of them will even update if you add values by building etc. With the exception of power, it always seems twitchy.

The moment I visit another settlement the HUD goes bad because it seems like it is still trying to use some info from the last settlement. Which as I mentioned this has ALWAYS been an issue with the Vault-Tec Population Management Terminal from the Vault 88 DLC. When you first enter the terminal it still displays data from the last settlement, then when you enter it a second time it shows the correct data.

I wanna guess and say the OP is not using the option to control vassals (ie still build in them) and sees no HUD. I use the control vassal option because I am working on making city plans and they display just fine..
Just to confirm, those settlements are done via Conqueror, correct? If you took any with Nukaworld, they won't show the new HUD because the Nukaworld raiding doesn't use the new rules.

Yes, they are all conquered with the Forsaken Vaulters faction pack ever since I started the game, I didn't talk to Jammer this save, he's still hanging around Concord, I just straight went to build an Outpost at red rocket, claimed for Forsaken Vaulters and started raiding, the save is now 3 days old total and I haven't gone to Nuka World yet ;o

One thing I did is I accidentally claimed Abernathy for another faction, but that didn't cause any issues at first glance, unsure if this is related, Abernathy Info shows up correctly with the different faction and everything in the conqueror HUD tho
It updates fine when I first open my save. after that not so good. poping in or out of the workshop does not fix it. BP's are different ones but I think it is likely the same problem,

Early in this game I'm running now, the happiness bar on my HUD was consistently acting quirky. Just as you described: Fine after opening and then eventually not while playing. Took a risk and did the uninstall, save, reinstall, continue with fingers crossed thing. Quirky went away.
I wanna guess and say the OP is not using the option to control vassals

I have that on, though I dont really think turning it off will do it, The Slog is a vassal and the hud does show up, also if you're talking about the SS Hud, that's always been quirky to me , but I always ignore it, there are instances the bars all go down, the power never shows up properly, etc, but that's been an issue for YEARS in my game now, also when I re launch the game the SS HUD starts working properly again, the conqueror HUD refuses to come up no matter what I do tho, (in those 2 settlements)
Also, this is still a thing, I cannot 100% confirm it was the update, but before the update all my settlements numbers show up correctly in my pipboy, the thing is, before updating to the new version, I just took over Nordhagen, so in theory, I updated Conqueror to latest version as soon as I finished raiding Nordhagen, thats why idk if this got bugged before or after the update, but I definitely noticed it AFTER the update, and after not being able to properly move/assign soldiers.

whenever im away from the settlement, the population goes up by insane numbers, when I come back everything is "fine" tho

Quick Edit to this: Reverting to a save where the assignments were not bugged (pre Hotfix) seems to have fixed this issue for good this time.

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