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Fixed Confused Jammer


New Member
Amazing work, as always...........so I run with about 462 some odd mods, when I include all the esl's from both RoTC and ASE Player's Choice.....also I usually run Fusion CR and OaR and Project Valk, and 50 Ways2Die, here is the weirdness I am facing, when setting up Conqueror, if I go to choose settlement city plans to leave out, there are none, any option to modify default settings which should give you a list of settlements is empty. I removed a few MODS until I was able to actually get a list of all the settlements to scout with Jammer, but the setup remains the same, no city plan lists.

At this point I say f it and I created a new profile in Vortex, and double checked every single MOD for updates, updated everything that had one. I then started installing MODS, leaving out Outcasts and Remanents and Proj Valk, started a new game. I usually do not hit up Concord in the beginning, as it is, since adding Project Valk. That being said, I start by heading straight to 114 to save Nick (which should give plenty of time for all scripts to finish), then pushed on through BoS reveal, at this point I head to 111, get holotape (Start me Up), talk to Codsworth, get quest from Jammer, kill everyone in Concord except Jammer, do quests all the way up to attacking first settlement. Do so, succeed, go back to Jammer, and he initiates the "How do you like our new digs " dialogue., then asks me which settlement do we target next, my only choice is literally the settlement I just succeeded in taking, I went ahead and chose it, and when I met my crew there, and we engaged, guards spawned, but they attacked me as well as my crew attacked me. It is worth noting that the issue in the first paragraph of not having any city plans listed still persisted in the new profile, also worth noting is I got the Discovery of said settlement both times, when I took it initially an when I went back to it after just taking it.
The fact that he stayed in Concord after the first attack is a sign things went wrong immediately. Was this on the 4.0.1 patch of Conqueror?
LOL, damn bro.....ty for such a speedy reply....yes, I actually wrote this out 2 days ago, and did your newest updates about an hour ago.....I just posted on Nexus - "I am going to try and move Jammer to the first settlement via console, as it seems like that's where he should initiate said "new digs" dialogue."
I moved him to the settlement, and it took....he initiates the "new digs" dialogue, and where to hit next, but this time he initiates "we don't have enough guys".....is this correct sir?
The not enough guys will trigger if your outpost has less then 5 raider recruits living in it. If you do have 5+ recruits living there, you can try sleeping for 24 hours there to see if the recalculation fixes it.

If not, run this command in console:

sqv kgconq_raidergang

Then page up and look for the variable iWarriorCount, and let me know what the number is.
If your count is 5+, can you upload that .fos save file to a google drive or dropbox, share it, and PM me a link. I'd like to look at the circumstances that can cause him to speak that incorrectly.
I will do all of that in a bit, I was up all night trying to figure out why SS was and wasn't working....the Settlements do not build, no matter the time I give them, I can only get Bunker Hill in the list of city plans to omit, and SS tab is now missing in any Workshop. I will get you your save file and more details after a few more hours \m/
Ok, so I am still having some issues, although I fixed some......my question sir, is can you help me determine how to clean up my scripts. Even if you just point me at some resources. I am using Fallrim tools, and I read you tell someone they should only have around 20 or so.....well, on a fresh install of my mods, including yours, I have 89 running on a brand new game after about 45 mins of play. The play through is roughly the same as I described above. I have not hit up Jammer yet, but I still have the issue where I go to setup Conqueror, I have no settlements that list, and Bunker Hill is the only city plan that lists.
Click my name and then Start a Conversation, you can post links in PM.
I ended up wiping it all out, I have all issues resolved so far, I am up to finding Virgil with no companions, and I am heading to Concord and will let you know.....and will share the load order so you can add to list of compats....
You can mark this as solved sir. Starting anew solved the issues I was having, matter of fact I am rendering a video now of an assault on Sanctuary (slave trade location pick) using Vertibird Pachela....I will link it in a non problem section.