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Codsworth constantly unassigning from city leader position.


New Member
Since launch of RoTC I have been trying to get as many settlements upgraded as possible, and when I use Codsworth on any settlement he is unassigned after a certain amount of time(2-3 in game days) or if I get to far from the settlement. Is this because he technically can't use the city planners bench or something like that, or is this a more unique problem?
I have been trying to figure out the SS and cogsworth relationship myself. I have used him as a leader and didn't notice any problems. I have read about other people having issues with him, so I stopped using him. I'm on the PC version and I run approximately 180 mods if that even really matters. I don't think the wiki says anything about him either, but I'm going to double check.
As far as I can tell, he just gets unassigned from the desk, but should still act as the leader. It's on my list of issues to solve though, because the goal is to keep the leader assigned to the desk.
Codsworth is problematic in vanilla, he will randomly unassign himself from anything you assign him to (salvage, guard, provisioner). He was a problem before automatron also, and I haven't used Ada enough to know if she also suffers from this issue as well (since both are robot+companion).
I am not using rise of the commonwealth yet, but I am having this same issue. Cogsworth won't stay assigned to anything.
I'm having the issue that Codsworth simply won't stay assigned to anything. I assigned him to an industrial plot then stood there and watched and he became unassigned within the next two minutes. I'm taking him with me as a companion otherwise he'll be kind of useless.
hes a great companion but hes useless to be assigned to a task - any task. he's always been that way since vanilla.

i guess he's just a loose cannon.

i tend to use him as a companion or give him a trade route. its fun to hear him in a random place across the commonwealth threatening people with his buzz-saw.
Likely memory corruption due to being online for 200 years.

Run fsck :)

Generally I just let him roam around somewhere in a settlement as an extra and don't touch him after I start getting the good companions.