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Old Post City plans and papyrus logging


Active Member
I'm trying to work out why a few items in my city plan aren't appearing, I enabled papyrus logging but I notice that the Sim Settlements city plan logs seem to reference the spawning of objects by their new refid and not their baseid, have I got this right? Makes it difficult to look for a reference to the missing items. Is there a way to enable logs that I can use for this?

Edit: I did a test and did a simple TS import of the level that I had made the city plan from and that imported the items fine, implying that a) they were exported ok (which I knew from the json file) and b) that they are entered properly in the json file?
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The city plan output looks like this:

Debug.Trace(Self + ": CP Spawn (bp index " + aSpawnRecord.iBlueprintIndex + "): " + aSpawnRecord.FormID + " from plugin: " + aSpawnRecord.FormPlugin)

Self = the Reference ID of the placed object
aSpawnRecord.iBlueprintIndex = the idx field in your transfer settlements blueprint (all those this can get fuzzy since you're combining multiple blueprints - it will generally match the last blueprint this appeared)
aSpawnRecord.FormID = The base object ID, this would be the FormID or FormID_dec field in your blueprint
aSpawnRecord.FormPlugin = The mod file the item came from

An example log entry might be

[FF00DCF8]: CP Spawn (bp index 80): [08000390] from plugin: SimSettlements.esm

So searching the log file for CP Spawn will be a good way to dissect it.
Failure shouldn't be possible. Most likely the failure would have occurred at the city plan creation level. The only way to confirm that is to dig through the esp file, which is tough...