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Check my Settlement - Illegal Vanilla?


Active Member
While i was building Warwick with contest guidelines in mind, I was not expecting to submit anything official because I am really slow at doing things and didn't believe i would have the time to complete it.

As such, i was not running the City Plan Contest mod during the build. Thinking I could still submit it I installed the requisite mod and knowing anything in purple is not allowed, i found that nearly 25% of my settlement is flashing purple, but everything, except for 3 items are vanilla items. The 3 illegal are hanging buoys from the Far Harbor Blueprint, but everything else is vanilla:

Barn structure, scaffolding parts, vanilla weapon and armor racks, vanilla cement structure, vanilla lights and boxcar.

So what's the deal, I thought anything in vanilla was accepted?
Or is this an issue with my load order? I'm using vortex for the first time so I'm not sure if it automatically sets the proper load order or if it has to been accomplished with LOOT like NMM required?

If i have to rebuild I definitely won't be able to get it done in time, however, if that's the case, I may still request the SS Dev Team to review my settlement as is and see if I can still provide it apart from the contest.
While my settlement doesn't have any particular theme, per se, I have incorporated an investigative back story to be flushed out for those that wish to install the "Warwick Mystery Theater". Though there is no dialogue like a typical quest to clue you in, keen observation and cognitive abilities would allow someone to solve what may have happened so many years ago.
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Just remembered, I have numerous items from the Far Harbor Blueprint that is not flashing purple...?

I had a much older version of City Plan Contest Mod, so after updating to the newest one, even more is flashing purple, pretty much anything I used from Far Harbor Blueprint, but still all the vanilla stuff is also flashing.

And I now know LOOT is part of Vortex.

Cause of this?
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Most of the items you listed are not vanilla, they are from the contraptions dlc.

Anything that has a little logo in the top right hand corner (A spanner, Vault door, deathclaw skull) when selected in the menu are dlc and can't be used.
Most of the items you listed are not vanilla, they are from the contraptions dlc.......

Yup. I'm so used to those items in with vanilla I didn't even think about it. I never really paid attention to them. My mind was set on Blueprint DLC, I guess. Thx.