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Change ASAM plot assignment system to the HQ One.


New Member
I hate going around my settlement looking for what settler to assign to x plot and scan for stats. I think the one HQ uses where the workers are kinda of an item inventory would work easier. This would also help with replacing the track occupants on residential plots making easier to remove a settler, add settler or just know who lives in that expecific plot. For balance before the vit-o-matic quest you wouldn't be able to see their stats like HQ shows the stat for that plot but after the quest it would show. I am asking this because there are some plots that requires residents to be assigned to an expecific order but the auto assignment just assign whatever and there is no option to evict them all and then add them in order.

Going straight to my suggestion. Change the Track occupants option on the ASAM to View Occupants. Selecting that option would open a transfer hud just like the HQ one uses showing on player side all the people that live in that settlement and on the store side all the ones that are either living on that plot or working on that plot.
I have been giving this some thought since I saw you post it.
Part of me wants to like this idea, it would make things less micromanagey. But that whole Department system would need to be 100% reliable first, and right now it confirmably isnt. Plus I dont know how it works behind the scenes, it might well require a complete code rewrite, and how would it cope with vanilla crops etc?