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New Report Caps depositing to NukaWorld?


First post, first off.
Love all your guys stuff here at SS, thank you so much for the excellent mods! So since dl'ing Conqueror i have been loving my new raider play through. I had the Jammer wandering issue but was able to resolve it.

Now every 24hrs i'm getting a message that "Caps from vassel Abernathy farms are being deposited to your NukaWorld Outpost."

aaaannnd i don't have a NukaWorld Outpost, my only outpost is currently Starlight Drive In. Is this suppose to work this way?


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Im getting the same except I haven't even started the nuka world quest line, im barely at lvl 20
Same here, haven't been to Nuka World in my recent playthrough

Edit: In my gameplay Jammer is fine, he doesn't walk away
Having the same quirk in my game. Never entered nukaworld, even when my character was too low to get the nukaworld quest the popup would appear.
Same problem here, but worst thing is that NO food is sent to my main base. I havent opened Nuka too, and not even heard of it being level 14
This is likely going to remain a weird quirk with the system for a long time. The tags that I use to ensure we get the raid outpost icons for Outposts/Vassals are also used by NukaWorld, so its counting them as part of that system.

I will resolve it eventually, but it's going to be a lot of effort for a relatively small gain, so I'll be delaying messing with this until we have more of Conqueror itself in the state I want it.
This is likely going to remain a weird quirk with the system for a long time. The tags that I use to ensure we get the raid outpost icons for Outposts/Vassals are also used by NukaWorld, so its counting them as part of that system.

I will resolve it eventually, but it's going to be a lot of effort for a relatively small gain, so I'll be delaying messing with this until we have more of Conqueror itself in the state I want it.

That means that food caps and scrap is sent to our main base and that's just a wrong message?
In case, once we know, the priority has to be low compared to other bugs.
It's a completely different system. Nukaworld creates resources, Conqueror does not. The Conqueror system is not copying what Nukaworld does and is instead creating its own benefits. It's very likely those messages are because NukaWorlds code is actually dumping resources in the Nuka Red Rocket workshop.

Conqueror sets up supply line functionality, so that you can build in your Outposts using the scrap from Vassals, and your food and water needs in Outposts can be filled by Vassals. This will become more relevant as we flesh out the mechanics in future patches.

The goal with the initial release of Conqueror, was to get the skeleton of the system working completely and bug-free and build from there. We have 6+ months of content planned to keep making it more interesting and different from NukaWorld raiding!
It's a completely different system. Nukaworld creates resources, Conqueror does not. The Conqueror system is not copying what Nukaworld does and is instead creating its own benefits. It's very likely those messages are because NukaWorlds code is actually dumping resources in the Nuka Red Rocket workshop.

Conqueror sets up supply line functionality, so that you can build in your Outposts using the scrap from Vassals, and your food and water needs in Outposts can be filled by Vassals. This will become more relevant as we flesh out the mechanics in future patches.

The goal with the initial release of Conqueror, was to get the skeleton of the system working completely and bug-free and build from there. We have 6+ months of content planned to keep making it more interesting and different from NukaWorld raiding!

My problem in present campaign was that my farm, second settlement i conquered, was NOT sending food to my main base, i honestly dont care if they send or not 10 caps and 5 wood and steel. When i conquered the slave settlement, the third one, they started sending food, once they upgraded their farm and had enough to send and in my base i started seeing the brahmin icon near the food; obviously three farms cannot feed a 15 pop settlement, but at least i saw that somethig were given.
Supply lines are correctly shown from my farm and my base but no food is transferred even if my farm is Abernathy with three four settlers working on farms so they should have something to give.

Trying to feed my main base i tried using friendly settlements, like Greygarden once you do the water quest, using IDEK logistic, but every time (twice, not a very meaningful statistic, but always) something wrong happened, the HUD disappeared and the desk showed strange numbers. Restarting from a point when all was ok and removing IDEK i had, till now at least, after some ten hours playing, no more problems.

I dont know how Nuka World works; i did the main quest till when you conquer all zones but never did a raiders caonquest campaign; then i stopped playing FO4 for some time and i went back more or less when SS was released
If resource sharing isn't working between Vassals and Outposts setup in Conqueror, that would a different issue than Nukaworld's system.
If resource sharing isn't working between Vassals and Outposts setup in Conqueror, that would a different issue than Nukaworld's system.

I cannot say for SURE because i have no control on my Vassal and the only thing i could do is looking how many settlers are working the fams, count them and do some math, this considering that settlers looking idle are maybe farming and others seen near a farm are maybe doing guard duty.

I dont think it would be anti immersive to give some control on the workshop and the desk/holotape; after all a real mafia boss would say: 'i want from you 10 food / day, how yuo do that i dont care, but if you dont i will come and kill one of you'

If there is a console command to know how many settlers are doing what, i.e. activate the workshop and the desk, i will be more than happy to report my results
You can take control of Vassals by changing the settings. In the Conqueror section of the options, there's a Control Vassal Settlements option.
You can take control of Vassals by changing the settings. In the Conqueror section of the options, there's a Control Vassal Settlements option.
Thanks a lot, now i can say for sure that Abernathy is feeding my settlements with his 11 working farmers; just wonder why this is not the default option.
Cannot use the plans and supply of the desk, but at least i can build there what i want and i can also gear up a bit the settlers that are fighting the robots with pipe guns and a single piece of leather armour.
Havent checked if i can move the settlers, but it would make more sense if i cannot; to do that there is the enslave option i think.
From my experience, most people want as much as possible to be automatic, and only the dedicated settlement players want more stuff to manage. Having to manage the Vassals is extra work and detracts from a lot of the ideas in Conqueror (such as having the settlements pre-build, and you just take over a couple as Outposts).

So it's definitely something I want to support, but I try and keep the defaults to match what the majority seem to expect (which we base by @snarkywriter 's detailed analysis of the feedback, reports, and help requests we get each month).
Probably it's just me but i dont like how some settlements are built and i prefer to spend a couple hours to build them as i want than spendin 5 minutes every time i go to there just because the plan designer decided to put the desk of Greygarden on top of the bridge kilometers away from the workshop and the fast forward mat.
It's nice to see, and there is a lot of work to make a plan so i cannot but be grateful to those that spent their time to make them, but it looks like to me that efficent time management during gameplay was the last of their priorities.
I build my settlements in a way that i land there, i move two meters and i'm at the WS, i deposit what i need to leave, i move two more meters and i'm at the desk to manage the town; one minute and i'm done and ready to go fight.
Another thing i care is to avoid landing after a fast move in the middle of the enemies; i happened more than once to land outside the city walls and unable to sneak or do anything but running very fast away trying to survive. Maybe it's a power gamer point of view not a realistic one, but that's the way i like it.
BTW Abernathy, the settlement i just decided to manage, is one that usually i leave as is: desk near the workshop and landing point near them, i'm talking of places like Jamaica where both the desk and the landing mat are outside the build area, or Sanctuary where you have all the land you may dream of and everything is cramped like hell, apart the fact that the plan scraps weapon, armor and chem desks, facilities useful even at game start.
Anyway i'm going OT and if the majority of players likes them the way they are made it's ok for me; moving desk and mat is sure not a problem, as is not a problem to move some decoration stuff and leave a bit more breathing space.
If resource sharing isn't working between Vassals and Outposts setup in Conqueror, that would a different issue than Nukaworld's system.
^^^ Great! This is all i wanted to know, i ended up starting a fresh game because of some(non-conqueror) respawn issues.
The message itself is no biggy just making sure vassel->outpost sharing as all gooood! Kinggath & Co. thanks again for all your time and effort. You and your team are basically the reason why i keep playing this game. I am sure there are hundreds if not thousands of others that feel the same.
I'm loving Conqueror!
may be you can disable/terminate Nuka World script responsible for moving items. Because nobody needs it ever, even without conqueror.