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Bug with Simon Forseti

Just started happening to me as well. Haven't figured out a solution yet, unfortunately, so I guess for now I have extra backup.

EDIT: I think I found the problem, at least for me! The issue was I had waited until clearing all the baddies from the BATFL BEFORE I talked to the folks in the jail cell to let them out, which triggers Simon to come up and give you the key. Something about doing it in that order, rather than letting them out before killing the big boss caused Simon to silently tail me. Redoing the quest by letting them out first, THEN finishing clearing the building fixed the issue.
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Just started happening to me as well. Haven't figured out a solution yet, unfortunately, so I guess for now I have extra backup.
Reverted to a previous save, just before the Hell Hound camp, and after cleaning up the place and listening to the holotape, I choose "I'll meet you there" instead of "lets'go" and it worked fine.
This is still an issue
Hi, can you please give me some more details and I can try and replicate this. Was it the same quest for you? When did you first start noticing him following you - did you do the same route as mentioned above, where you killed everyone before freeing the prisoners?
Hi, can you please give me some more details and I can try and replicate this. Was it the same quest for you? When did you first start noticing him following you - did you do the same route as mentioned above, where you killed everyone before freeing the prisoners?
It’s the quest where you recapture the badtfl from elisher. If you open the cell door before talking to the emins, Simon goes through his key dialog and then follows you around like a companion. Reloading and initiating the convo without opening the door fixed it.

Dunno if it matters, but I cleared the building then went back for the couple the first time, and released them on my way through the second time.
It’s the quest where you recapture the badtfl from elisher. If you open the cell door before talking to the emins, Simon goes through his key dialog and then follows you around like a companion. Reloading and initiating the convo without opening the door fixed it.

Dunno if it matters, but I cleared the building then went back for the couple the first time, and released them on my way through the second time.
Replicated and logged - thank you!
Any idea if he can be killed with console commands ?
checked his profile and he is set as non-essential , but isProtected is set to 'true' , could find a command to change that to 'false' and see if it works.

Shooting him in the face just knocks him out.

Was wondering if someone more knowledgeable could shed some light on this.
Really didn't want to reload before the quest since i'm on survival, 10h and 5 levels have passed :(
Well , for an update on my part.

After a couple fast-travels he eventually stopped following me.
I wasn't able to understand if he is just around one of the settlements I traveled to or from , or if he just went back to the CPD HQ.