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Bed plots?


Active Member
Like the indoor residential plots but sometimes it’s like Tetris trying to fit them in (meaning after much effort doesn’t work or not well). Wish there were smaller ‘bed’ plots. Enforce power req (con vs vanilla) and give tax bonus (pro vs vanilla) but with scaled down plot dynamics (small bonus over vanilla; con vs standard indoor residential plot)
I feel your pain. They don't really fit in a lot of the Sanctuary homes due to internal walls and such. I was really happy to see the Tiny Living Add-On come about. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/49424

You might be interested in it if you're trying to fit things into 1x1 plots, too.
@fessmods I have a test addon I have been playing with. 1x1 plots with a single/bunk bed in the rear left/right. It also contains a 'none' power pole that can be set as a default for 1x1 res plots so it won't spawn the pole when placing these plots in an interior. Its basically an alpha I'm using to figure out some mechanics. I can put it on the Nexus if you are feeling adventurous.
The biggest problem with using the 1x1 plots in an interior is the HOLO icons. These can be moved in the building plan properties, but if you refresh or upgrade the plot, they go back to the default position. If you set this on the level plans, the custom icon location persists through an upgrade, but will still return to the default location if you refresh the plot. I guess I should whine to Kinggath about this...
I use it but some of the rooms are too small for full interior plot. That makes dead or deco space. A bed plot (or even 1/3 section) would do the trick.
Most of those tiny rooms that an Interior Plot won't fit into (like say the 'bathroom' in Player's House Pre-War), a 1x1 Plot won't QUITE fit either - it's like 15 pixels too narrow a gap.
Most of those tiny rooms that an Interior Plot won't fit into (like say the 'bathroom' in Player's House Pre-War), a 1x1 Plot won't QUITE fit either - it's like 15 pixels too narrow a gap.
Have the baby room in cul de sac house in mind when thinking about bed (or 1x1) plot... replacing the crib
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The biggest problem with using the 1x1 plots in an interior is the HOLO icons. These can be moved in the building plan properties, but if you refresh or upgrade the plot, they go back to the default position. If you set this on the level plans, the custom icon location persists through an upgrade, but will still return to the default location if you refresh the plot. I guess I should whine to Kinggath about this...
Sounds like trigger isn’t working right
Sounds like trigger isn’t working right
My guess is that the refresh code isn't looking to see if there are custom icon coords defined and if so, move them.

Even when you do move the icons, they do not fit well in a space with a 256 unit z height. The best I can manage is to have the 1st and 4th row of icons 'buried' a little. I might be better off begging kinggath for an "interior" 1x1 plot with the icon's scale reduced.
My guess is that the refresh code isn't looking to see if there are custom icon coords defined and if so, move them.

Even when you do move the icons, they do not fit well in a space with a 256 unit z height. The best I can manage is to have the 1st and 4th row of icons 'buried' a little. I might be better off begging kinggath for an "interior" 1x1 plot with the icon's scale reduced.
Hmm. Need to kick the tires before asking kg