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Attention: Fallout 4 VR Players


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Verified Builder
Please report any VR specific bugs on the Bug Reports section here and I'll start taking care of them soon. I have a Vive set up now, so I should be able to fix the issues if you all can point them out to me.
Yay! Biggest issue is lack of HUDFramework in VR. Makes it difficult to figure out what is going on. Especially if you're a beginner. I spent hours troubleshooting, thinking city upgrades were broken, only to figure out much later that happiness was too low for the option to appear...

On a related note, it would be great if RoTC notified you that settlers were too grumpy to upgrade
I've reached out to reg2k about making HUDFramework for VR. He said he probably could and asked if I'd test for him - so I'm hopeful that will happen eventually.
Is anyone able to assign settlers to plots in VR via the regular workshop/build interface? Right now I have to rely on the holotape mod/or auto assignment.

I am able to assign them to residential plots and regular work items (ie. scavenging table or crops)
Hey King! Been following sim settlements ever since it came out, just got myself a Vive and have been testing the most recent version (as of 8/14) of SimSettlements and found issues regarding the popup messages for the holotape, but was mostly unaffected. The biggest issue there was having to reopen the holotape to view the options as they came up. But the biggest and most consistent issue I have is with placing the plots, or whatever is going on behind the scenes right after initiating the holotape. I have crashed to steamVr when this occurs, so basically desktop.
So I've managed to get some headway on my settlement, and what i've come to find is i can't go anywhere near the shop under construction or unoccupied, immediate and consistent CTD.