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Within the next couple of months we should be getting chapter 2. I am sooooooo hoping for a lot more Aiden. I know Jake is the sweet cute guy of SS2 (and I do want more Jake), but I gotta say I just love River Kanoff's voice. I would even do a second playthrough to romance Aiden. I know, King, you can't say anything about the next chapter, but a girl has to hope. lol
Yea, he's very interesting, would definitely be fun to have him as a temporary companion through a quest.
...but hey, what if he ends up being part of Jake's personal quest? Like, maybe he had saved Katelyn and Laura from the Gunners and knows where they are, maybe even actively protecting them for "dramatic past" reasons. Would definitely be fun to see how that would go.
Lot of things they could do with him, especially if they keep the backstory for him that Conqueror for SS1 hinted at briefly. (Something about his - and Jammer's - home town getting attacked by ex-Minutemen-turned-Raiders when he was a kid iirc)
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