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aiden wont shoot the gunner


i am currently working my way up a newish save and have just reached the where there's smoke quest when Aiden is first introduced but when i get to the point where he is supposed to shoot the random gunner he puts his gun away i cant move or say anything its just stuck and i have no idea why
put in wrong place by accident but um update i am now getting a pop up saying.

warnign simsettlements 2 failed to start up al nessicary quests you should not continue with this save until the issue has been corrected.
please report this to kinggath.
if you have logging enabled please include your workshop framework log.

so um i think my save ate it or something i cant get the log tho cuz i have no idea where it is my instal is on an external drive and when i looked at my fallout 4 folder there was not a logs file