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Agri/Ind/Comm combo?


Active Member
Had a random memory pop into my head of a plot combo that was in an SS1 addon.
An Agricultural, an Industrial, and a Commercial plot, that when placed side by side made a Chicken raising plot that fed directly into the abbatoir/butcher, which then supplied a fried chicken restaraunt. If anyone could remind me which mod it's from, and if it exists in SS2, that'd be fantastic <3

I just really miss it now that I've remembered it. haha
As far as I know nothing like that exists in SS2.
I don't recall ever using anything like what you described in SS1.
I do remember some plot designs meant to be 'attached together' like that in SS1 myself, but it was purely a graphical thing; just that they were visually designed to LOOK like they joined together when you snapped the plots themselves together and manually picked those designs, not that they mechanically were.
There was at least a couple house plots and some shops that did it, from memory, but they must be from packs that never got ported to SS2.

... thinking about it further, there is a Martial+Residential combo that does that in uituit's JunkTown2 addon pack; it's like the cab of a truck for the Martial plot, and the trailer for the Residential, and if you snap the plots together in the right positioning it looks like the trailer's hooked onto the back of the truck.
Yeah, that's what I meant. It was a farm-organics-commercial chain that were made to look good next to each other
Yes, that's it! The "Beef n Wings" combo, I loved that so much. And the strip mall pieces were great too :D
I used the apartment buildings quite often in Starlight Drive-In. In SS2 I have had to resort to building my own apartment building and saving it with Clipboard. I do have to insert the interior residential plots each time, but the effort is worth it and for 24 apartments is less work than struggling with the mod's 6-apartment building. My NPCs sometimes flake out over the staircases but I'm not sure I ever saw any of them use the staircases in the mod. I loved the idea, though, and the mod was well done overall. Not the MA's fault that the NPCs have bad pathfinding. I liked that shopping mall, too, even though that was another bear to set up correctly.

The problem is that SS2 has so many basic improvements over SS1 that it's hard to drop back to SS1. I do it every so often, but it's hard.