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Advanced Plots Not Generating Items


New Member
Howdy Folks,
I have encountered a bug with my advanced plots at Vault 88.

The plots there won't produce items. None are added to my workbench. When I check the plots they have one set of items and wont generate more.

I refreshed the plots and nothing changed. I scraped them and rebuilt, nothing changed. Before I scraped them and rebuilt they had each others items, the mine had junk, the oil field had mined ore. I fast traveled to Far Harbor and back and they still wont produce. I got food and water at the workbench but nothing from the advanced plots.

They have settlers assigned, are powered and my other town bars are full. The plots wont upgrade. I think its happening in other settlements as well.

I have a mine, a water thing, a lumber mill and a gravel pit at vault 88. At the drive in is a steel mill that has stopped upgrading. At sanctuary is a water thing and a greenhouse thing stuck at level 2. That may have been a power issue, I rewired the town, I'll check back in a few days of play time. Sanctuary has a news paper, ammo and a fiber optics plant working normally.

There are other plots at the drive-in and at sunrise co-op that upgraded fine. But this may have occurred before the bug happened. I have a magazine shop and a ballistic fiber factory at the drive-in that run fine. I also did the complete nuke cola quest at sunrise (melon flavored nuka, too funny). The other plots stopped. At Grey Garden is a oil well that had 500 oil and did not upgrade.

I am going to start a new town and add some advanced plots to see if they will upgrade.

I am kinda stuck here.
Thanks in Advanced for any help.
(plot pun intentional)
Usually this means the stockpile system isn't working. You can disable it in the advanced section of the Gameplay Options.
I disabled the stockpile system in the Game play Advanced options as you suggested. The Advanced plots at Vault 88 upgraded to level two.

They are still not adding the items they make to the workshop bench. At my other settlements they do. I made a new settlement (Specter Island) and setup a mine. The workshop received a lead weight, not ore. I needed to check back more . Will the stockpile gain any items if it disabled?

Before I disabled the stockpiles, I looted them from the plots at vault 88. They had one of each item only. The lumber-mill had one wood. The gravel pit and one dirt, one sand and one gravel. The advanced scrapyard had 8 different single items, one each. The mine had one of each ore.

Another thing occurred, its from the vanilla game but it might be connected. Before I disabled the stockpile, when I slept at settlements where I had lover companions I only got the well rested bonus. When I disabled the stockpile and slept at the settlement I got the lovers embrace again. Odd.