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Addon Maker's Toolkit Discord

Hi, I'd like to get an invite please?

Pretty please?

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Somehow I botched the initial setup of Discord and ended up with 2 accounts. The second account I have no idea how to access and delete. I'm pretty sure both accounts have the same e-mail. Can someone tell me how?

Or you can just remove msalaba#5053 from the SS2 server. Thanks
If you are looking for somewhere to hangout while you work on Add-On packs, we have a Discord server set up!

It's a great spot to get help, share your progress, and talk about ideas.

Please reply to this thread to request an invite, and someone will PM you a link ASAP.

The Add-on Maker's Toolkit for SS2 is now available! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/48521/
Having an issue with fo4edit not finding a pas. file. It may have not installed correctly. Looking to the SS vets for advice. Can I get an invite or a point in the right direction?

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Hi, I am a complete noob at modding. I do have some rudimentary skills, but I know nothing about coding and I am more autistic than artistic. Not to say that people with autism are capable of art, I'm just not the one. I have started with the tutorial videos and some of it is sinking in. I just want to be a bigger part of the community that has made me love FO4 again. I have seen some amazing things the SS team and other mod creators have done and I want to try my hand at it.

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Hoping this is still open, but I'd also love to request an invite, please. Thank you in advance!

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Invite please, I would love to both develop and debug mods

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May I have an invite, please? Got a lot of learning to do. lol

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May I have an invite to the discord?
(Why did that sound so Aristocracy British in my head?)

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Looking for discord invite. On nexusmods I have 3 SS mods, 2 SS2 mods, and in process of creating another.

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Ready to start modding again can I get a invite to the discord. The way sim settlement 2 did quest tied into building got my brain churning with ideas

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3d modeler here looking to make sweet new models for SS2 and FO4 in general! May I have an invite to the discord server?

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Если вы ищете место, где можно пообщаться во время работы над надстройками, у нас есть настроенный сервер Discord!

Это отличное место, чтобы получить помощь, поделиться своими успехами и обсудить идеи.

Пожалуйста, ответьте на эту тему, чтобы запросить приглашение, и кто-нибудь отправит вам ссылку как можно скорее.

Набор инструментов для создания надстроек для SS2 уже доступен! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/48521/
If you are looking for somewhere to hangout while you work on Add-On packs, we have a Discord server set up!

It's a great spot to get help, share your progress, and talk about ideas.

Please reply to this thread to request an invite, and someone will PM you a link ASAP.

The Add-on Maker's Toolkit for SS2 is now available! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/48521/
I'd like an invite to this server.

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These are some of the politest forums I've been on in awhile. Can I get an invite to the Toolkit discord? Please and thank you

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SS2 team I am really enjoying the new mod and currently working on an addon. Would it be possible to get an invite to the discord server?

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