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4 stages of grief


Well-Known Member
Entering the contest right here:

L0, DENIAL: The player enters the settlement after the long cryo nap to find a large part of the main street has been converted into an old west, dusty, wooden town named "Sanitary Hills" because the first guy to live here after the bombs (over a hundred years ago) could not read too well. They bury their dead with toilet bowls as gravestones and shun the rest of the old world relics. But the Sole Survivor cannot tackle the new world and self isolates in a crummy shack by the river, fearing all. The old house with Shaun's crib is left to its own devices, holding too many raw memories.

L1, ANGER: The Sole Survivor acts out their anger at the unfairness of it all. Burns down the town whorehouse and the church, and kills several settlers in drunken brawls. The town takes on a raidery, lawless vibe.

L2, BARGAINING: The Sole Survivor tries to find redemption by helping the community regrow. Ushers in a flowering of trade and new uses of the tec from the old world. Settlers flock to the town.

L3, Acceptance and Depression: The Sole Survivor finally comes to terms with the loss of the family. Buries the crib in a symbolic gesture of goodbye. Lives as the mayor and sheriff of Sanitary Hills in a new home built atop the old house where it all began.
we have a somewhat similar theme, yours seams less raider then mine :P
we have a somewhat similar theme, yours seams less raider then mine :P
Mine will be mostly old west themed, not so much raidery exempting some minor things at level 1. But it could be cool to see how we tackle the same idea in different ways. Right now I am building the biggest whorehouse the commonwealth has ever seen. Minus the whores. Perhaps Preston can live in there.
Mine will be mostly old west themed, not so much raidery exempting some minor things at level 1. But it could be cool to see how we tackle the same idea in different ways. Right now I am building the biggest whorehouse the commonwealth has ever seen. Minus the whores. Perhaps Preston can live in there.
haha, I am working on some mad max stuff right now.
haha, I am working on some mad max stuff right now.
Love it! This contest is going to be awesome! Send me a pic when you got some corner to your liking. I will post a picture of the interior bawdyhouse when I get all the rugs and lamps in place.
Love it! This contest is going to be awesome! Send me a pic when you got some corner to your liking. I will post a picture of the interior bawdyhouse when I get all the rugs and lamps in place.
will do I am working on level 1 right now as level 0 is just Nate killing everything and walling up his house and a few other of the houses and fixing up his truck.
Love it.
Only a few days to go , make sure you have all 4 save files ready and send them to kinggath,sirlach and myself.

Good Luck
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 3 days to go. I am ready everything is fine.
Here comes the detailed story:
Level 1: Denial. After two hundred years that happens overnight The Sole Survivor walks into a town that embraces the old west and shuns technology. The Sole Survivor feels that insanity knocks with a heavy hand at their door of mental health. Isolation in a shack down by the river becomes the self proscribed medication. Meanwhile the town of Sanitary lives on as it has for over a hundred years, the inhabitants look on with mild curiosity as the two powers that rule here squabble endlessly; the gaudy whorehouse and the rickety church. Every night old preacher Sourgums stands on his dais and screams profanities at the moral swamp across the street. Madam Hotlips takes it in stride, she sits in her office atop her profitable domain of gambling, drinking and carnal debauchery- and counts the caps streaming in. Whenever someone drinks too much and kicks the bucket they are buried beneath a porcelain throne in the town graveyard.

Level 2: Rage. Eventually Sourgums feels that the new arrival to the town must be used as a tool against the whorehouse matron, he brings his flock armed with torches and marches down to the crummy shack by the river, intent on converting the strange time traveler to his faith. His plan backfires badly when The Sole Survivor meets them with a minigun in hand. All the pent up anger and grief comes spewing out of those rotating barrels until everyone is dead. The rampage has only started however, and the church is burned to the ground as The Survivor becomes The Reckoning. Few of the townsfolk have any means to oppose the weapons of the old world, fewer still have the inclination to try. After the members of the church have been killed the Sole Survivor enters the whorehouse and starts an epic drinking binge to forget- ending in more death when accusations of being a synth spy starts flying. Some are shot on the spot and one gets gruesomely cut into pieces in the kitchen in search of "synth components". From now on everyone recognices that there is a new power in town, and it is dangerously unhinged.

Level 3. Acceptance and depression. The Sole Survivor finally comes to terms with the loss of the family. The crib is buried in a symbolic gesture of goodbye. The window overlooking the grave is left with broken panes as a reminder that some things can never be mended, not even with duct tape. Now a new life takes form in the town of Sanitary- a life free of religious oppression where the Sole Survivor lives as the mayor and sheriff of Sanitary Hills in a new home built atop the old house where it all began.
Top down view of the finished product, L1. Things runs smoothly. Need to get some things from your old house? Now is the time.
The trading post that greets the new arrivals, L1.
The player home once the player has become unhinged at L2.
The church with the preachers pew at L1.
The same pew overlooking the bawdy house. Invectives are spewn at a daily basis.
..until the church is burned at L2.
The graveyard at L2 gets many new porcelain headstones.
With almost every entertainer in town dead at L2 the proprietress at the bawdy house is forces to use the brahmin instead. Here they perform a pyramid dance number.
But things turn around and the town is rebuilt. Here is the player home/Sherriffs office at L3.
And the main street L3. To the left is a new commerical district.
Some of your buildings are just fantastic.
Really like the original backstory, and the building is (as expected from yourself) brilliantly detailed, wasteland fitting gold.
Very detailed looking. Can barely see the traces of the vanilla Sanctuary in there.