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‘CRITICAL ERROR: Important SS2 data was corrupted in your save’


New Member
I’m met with this warning after loading my save after installing chapter 2. I have none of the listed mod conflicts, I updated all of the necessary mods, the recommended load order is correct etc. what could be causing this and is it even safe or worth it to keep playing? Does this mean the mod is now completely busted on this save? The message itself gives pretty mixed signals and I can’t find any information anywhere else about this specific error message.

Thanks in advance.
Does Windows 11 work well with FO4? I havent found a solid answer (also the spyware looks intense).
The SS2CPC Helper is developed in Win 11. Honestly had no issues with FO4 on there at all.
How do you know which update was corrupted?
I'm running fresh Win10 for a last couple of months and I'm getting this bug. Didn't see any problems with the updates. I'd hate to re-install it =)
SS2 isnt in the best health right now.

According to @kinggath it means the invisible objects SS2 uses to record your quest choices, supplies, etc were found to be corrupted, altered, lost, etc. It attempted to regenerate the item so you can continue.