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Quickstart Tutorial, Common Issues, and Recommended Mods

I might of had it off at the time. Either way I have cheat terminal so not worried about that. I just cheat whatever I need perks level resources etc. The real issue is I want Jake not show up while im building plans.
I don't remember where someone said this, but I thought it was the best solution I had heard to get around this... drop a beacon at Sanctuary and then just leave him there while you build the other settlements. You could really do that at any settlement, so pick your least favorite one to strand him in.
I don't remember where someone said this, but I thought it was the best solution I had heard to get around this... drop a beacon at Sanctuary and then just leave him there while you build the other settlements. You could really do that at any settlement, so pick your least favorite one to strand him in.
That was my thought but of course I dropped the beacon at RR. That's OK plan is to do Croup anyhow.
I always build my city plans on a new save anyway. I recommend building a beacon at Sanctuary or Red Rocket right after you leave the vault, and just abandon Jake there, while you go to the actual settlement you plan to build at. I made a full save before I do any building, then I open the console, enable god mode, enable any of the tap options I want (unlocked plans and plots - yes please!) and start building.

Keep your saves somewhere safe - you'll need them if you need to re-export, or if they need to be checked,
I like Yagisan's solution. Alternatively, if you aren't planning on playing in the save ever and are just using it to build, click on Jake, enter console command:


Bye Jake!

Alternatively, you can use the quest skip command to just skip ahead in the MQ so he goes to Concord.

cqf ss2_mqmaster skiptoquest ss2_sirick_mq03

(03 = If I had a hammer, change that to a higher number to skip further ahead.)
I can't get the contest stuff to work. I use Mod organizer and I tried putting it in the Data folder too. I don't get a pop or anything. I looked in the build menu and no SS2 objects are in there. The only thing I can do is create the holotapes for the menu. I need help, please.
I wish I knew the answer to that, Teah. I'll ask around for ya, though.
I can't get the contest stuff to work. I use Mod organizer and I tried putting it in the Data folder too. I don't get a pop or anything. I looked in the build menu and no SS2 objects are in there. The only thing I can do is create the holotapes for the menu. I need help, please.
Did you start a fresh profile in MO2? The mod should have a pop up right after exiting the vault. Followed by contest locations for the month being unlocked. Try disabling/re-enabling the mod and reinstalling it. (What is your load order for SS2, Workshop Framework? If you run them Hud Framwork and the Unoffical F04 patch)
I can't get the contest stuff to work. I use Mod organizer and I tried putting it in the Data folder too. I don't get a pop or anything. I looked in the build menu and no SS2 objects are in there. The only thing I can do is create the holotapes for the menu. I need help, please.
I had this happen to me. Kinggath recommended I look in the games mod order screen to see if the contest mod was actually turned on.
It wasn't. So I suggest checking there (load screen, mods, load order) to see if it was turned on.
the mods are on the game in mod list. but nothing is happening. I even disabled all other mods and started several profiles. My order is: unofficial fallout patch, HUDFramework, WorkshopFramework, SS2, SS2_CityPlanContestAssistant.
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Did you copy the save game file into your save game folder and load it up? I unzipped the mod in a separate location and moved the moddy bits to the right place and the save file to the right place. Since I have multiple Vortex profiles, I had to make sure I stuck it in the right place. If you did that correctly I'm not sure what else to offer up.:(
Yay :DDDD I ended up putting all the SS2 stuff in my data folder and the save file in my save file for mod organizer. It worked. Thank you so much everyone. Especially, you Rudy. Huggies :DDDDDDDDDD
Glad you're all sorted. I know the frustration of being 1 step away but not knowing how to get there. Way to stick with it!
Yay :DDDD I ended up putting all the SS2 stuff in my data folder and the save file in my save file for mod organizer. It worked. Thank you so much everyone. Especially, you Rudy. Huggies :DDDDDDDDDD
So glad you got it working!!!! Thanks for helping, guys :)
So I've found that Jake will still follow me anywhere I travel, given enough time. I dropped a beacon at Croup, waited until he showed up, then fast travelled back to Red Rocket and started building. Some time later, he arrived and started following me throughout the settlement. There's an advantage to that, though - he will do his darnedest to get to you, making him very helpful in testing pathing. Just make sure to exit build mode out of conversation range if you need to do something in the holotape.
We really need a skip all SS2 quest option for building profiles
I know I'm kinda late to the party on this, but I've got to vehemently second this. I haven't actually had time to play any of SS2, yet, aside from the build contest. I actually paused my planning & install cycle on my playthrough profile to get a simple builder profile up & running for this contest. So when I dropped my beacon and he just randomly appeared and tried talking to me, it really threw off my build rhythm that session. I just spammed my way through the dialogue so I could get back to building and didn't pay any attention to what was going on - especially since subtitles were off and I was listening to music while building, so I honestly have no idea what he said.

Then, fast forward to tonight. Apparently, that dialogue must've told me to build a residential plot, because the quest seems to have randomly tried to claim my first 2x2 residential (which is something like my 8th overall residential, for what it's worth), and trying to activate the ASAM tells me it's disabled for this part of the quest. So I went and talked to "Stranger" and apparently picked the wrong thing while trying to spam through the dialogue again, because now he won't talk to me, I can't scrap that Residential plot, and I can't actually do anything. And I'm not looking back to rolling back a save just to fix this. (EDIT: Just realized @kinggath has a console command to skip the quests a few posts up. I'll give this a shot and report back on whether it avoids the roll-back)

Obviously, the proximate issue was me spamming through dialogue instead of paying attention. I'll own up to that one. But to have this situation occur is more than a bit tedious - especially since Best Practice has always been to use a new save for building city plans. This means I'm going to run into this every time I go to build one.

Then, fast forward to tonight. Apparently, that dialogue must've told me to build a residential plot, because the quest seems to have randomly tried to claim my first 2x2 residential (which is something like my 8th overall residential, for what it's worth), and trying to activate the ASAM tells me it's disabled for this part of the quest. So I went and talked to "Stranger" and apparently picked the wrong thing while trying to spam through the dialogue again, because now he won't talk to me, I can't scrap that Residential plot, and I can't actually do anything. And I'm not looking back to rolling back a save just to fix this. (EDIT: Just realized @kinggath has a console command to skip the quests a few posts up. I'll give this a shot and report back on whether it avoids the roll-back)
Okay, the good news is that advancing the quests with the console command fixed my problem with the plot. And for the near future, at least, I can just trigger that command whenever I start a new city plan. Still, longer-term it'd be nice to have an option in the holotape to do that so I don't have to look the code up each time.
I'm glad you figured it out. I'm still stuck on building myself >..< I think that I built half of my settlement wrong. I don't know what I'm doing. I thought that I was suppose to decorate the interiors too but it won't let me move or scrap stuff. I'm confused all over again. Btw, this my first time using SS2.
I'm glad you figured it out. I'm still stuck on building myself >..< I think that I built half of my settlement wrong. I don't know what I'm doing. I thought that I was suppose to decorate the interiors too but it won't let me move or scrap stuff. I'm confused all over again. Btw, this my first time using SS2.
What are you trying to move or scrap?