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Question Fresh new person looking to make an addon for this mod

Jeff Belinger

Active Member
When I mean fresh new, I mean it literally. I will be new to programming, editing, modelling and other development related things.

I was so happy playing this mod and it’s addons I just needed to be part of this.
Obviously there must be steps for me to take to get started. I am willing to learn if I can get some people to give me morale and tech support through my venture.
So obviously the first thing I’m going to ask is this: how do I get started, counting from tomorrow?
When I mean fresh new, I mean it literally. I will be new to programming, editing, modelling and other development related things.
I can tell you from my personal experience of the last 2 weeks:
  • The creation kit sucks. It makes molasses in January seem fast in comparison. Not all things are located where you think they would be. Forms do not show up in the menus you think they would and just when you think you figured something out, the dang thing crashes... High Googlefu skills required...
  • You need to be proficient in xEdit. Just like quantum physics, whether your eyes are open or not in the creation kit can change the state of things. I am not kidding! xEdit is required to clean out any unintentional changes and dirty edits. Just scrolling through Concord from Red Rocket to the Museum, I unintentionally caused ~30 edits that I still have no idea how... You also need xEdit because there is no easy way (that I have found) so see what your plugin changed in the creation kit.
  • Edit- go to File->Data in the CK, select your mod, and click Details. This will list the changes. Whatever you don't want, just select and hit the Delete key to tag it as 'Ignore'; the next time you load that mod in CK and then save it, whatever is flagged as Ignore will disappear and be 'deleted' from your mod.
  • If you have no programming skills, make a few friends that are proficient in Papyrus. I have some programming background (high school and college) but we're talking old school basic, visual basic and early C++. Kinggath has a boat load of videos that give a pretty good beginner approach,but I struggled a long time with grasping the syntax and the Self of the script. After 3 days of fail, I rage quit and almost deleted the CK and the mods I was creating... I slept on it and had a Eureka the next morning and later successfully compiled my first Papyrus script. :grin
Creating mods can be a love/hate type of thing. There is a lot to know and no one person will be able to do it all.

I'm at the point where I now need to learn how to use Discord so I can make some friends!

Good luck!
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When I mean fresh new, I mean it literally. I will be new to programming, editing, modelling and other development related things.

I was so happy playing this mod and it’s addons I just needed to be part of this.
Obviously there must be steps for me to take to get started. I am willing to learn if I can get some people to give me morale and tech support through my venture.
So obviously the first thing I’m going to ask is this: how do I get started, counting from tomorrow?
I also want to learn how to make addons. First for myself, then IF I think I did something good, for others. I am thinking of using creation kit to make mostly non scrappy plots. Is that doable? Am currently watching King's creation kit how to videos.
I also want to learn how to make addons. First for myself, then IF I think I did something good, for others. I am thinking of using creation kit to make mostly non scrappy plots. Is that doable? Am currently watching King's creation kit how to videos.
I think non-scrappy plots would be appreciated by quite a few players. And the more addon packs the merrier!
If you haven't found it already, here's the Addon Maker Toolkit for SS2. Download and unpack the files and check the ReadMe's in the various folders to get started. If you get stuck or want to bounce ideas with other strugglers, ask for an invite to the Builder's Toolkit Discord here.
And please post your questions / I'm stuck / Halp!
I'm knee deep newbie too and I started a whole tread on this forum that's basically a plea for how all the pieces fit together. I'm getting great feedback and it's very helpful.
Ask away!