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Used New tool to remove plots from Railroad fast travel point, but


Patreon Supporter
I used the feature to remove the multiple plots from the fast travel spawn in point in RR HQ and it worked great as I know it would seeing as it was a product of Obi-Wan Kinggath and company! It told me the offending items were from The Slog, so as you said in the patch video I went to The Slog and used the desk to refresh the city plan I used and it refreshed the city plan, but unassigned all of the NPC's from their plots and homes as well as the mayor from the desk! I reassigned the mayor and waited in the settlement for well over 2 hours real time and just sat in a chair waiting for the NPC's to be reassigned which did not happen so I spent another hour and a half scanning NPC's to make sure they had the stats for the advanced plot types and manually reassigned them back to their municipal, defense and other plots that need higher stats. Was this a bug in my game or is there a need for some extra code to prevent this from happening if the need arises for me to refresh a city plan in the future?