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Active Member
Scrap(almost)Everything Sanctuary with nearly exclusively SS buildings.

Start with the most important thing: the bar.

From the balcony in the tree you can get a pretty good view of the molerat farm...

A look back toward the back of town...

And a view of a couple VIP homes down toward the waterfront.

Some of the industry in the rear part of town. Robots, wood and ammo.

Some of the homes coming up the main road from the bridge.

View from the bridge.

A little Slumlord randomness next to a vanilla SS house.


Main farming zones.

My house, with a photobomb by Sturges. I tried to keep close to the 2x2 motif so the house and garage would blend with the SS plots around them.
Looks great! Love the way you've built around the SS plots to make it all fit together so well. And your own house is really cool too - you should definitely try your hand at the Builder's toolkit, the tutorials are really easy to follow!
Looks awesome! What mod is the building with the bowling sign in pic #6 from? What a glorious heap that is! love it!
Ours! El Duderino's Wreckshack (Wasteland Venturers). Thanks!! ;)
Absolutely like it, but where did the red water tower come from(what mod) and is all this SS and vanilla elements?
Almost every building is Sim Settlements and all the add-on packs. A lot of the added railings, the concrete block foundations and the walls used for my player home and garage are from the Vanilla Extensions mod. The water tower is from Decoration & Furniture Expansion Pack mod on For the wall around the build zone I used PCDug's Build a Wall mod.
How did you do those white brick foundations, I tried that and my food ones wouldnt snap to them very well
Those are from the Vanilla Extensions mod. Place Anywhere helped a lot. That set of farms was from before kinggath added the bottom snap points to the plots, so I placed the farms first, added a concrete walkway around them, then used Place Anywhere's F2 hotkey to turn off surface snapping and sunk the foundations underneath the farms and snapped them to the outer walkways.