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Regional HQ (DLC)


New Member
This is mostly just a concept - having a 'Regional HQ' for either Nuka World, or Far Harbour. However i am not sure if either location is large or complicated enough to warrent such (alongside neither containing many settlements] - Nuka World being more befitting of a 'new vegas' stylization, and Far Harbour being much more coastal and 'spread out' in nature, with neither really containing a large communications setup like the main HQ Building does. As such, having them operate more like 'large-scale relays' might work.

Main problem i can think of is indeed the lack of settlements in either area, though. And im not sure if major plans involving either locations are feasable.
Technically the code is set up to have multiple HQs or different HQs, would just require a very large quantity of work to make happen (building room configurations, room designs, projects, etc. to that specific HQ location). In terms of Nuka World settlements, there are a bunch though. Tenhats made a whole pack of them.
Yeah, the amount of support kinggath and team put in to make the system expandable is impressive. I've considered Far Harbor and Nuka World satellite HQ's, as well as setting up factional HQ's for the Minutemen, Brotherhood, Railroad, and Institute. An Enclave HQ could be set up for those who want to utilize the CC and mod content for them; there are so many possibilities. The amount of work required is certainly daunting.
This is mostly just a concept - having a 'Regional HQ' for either Nuka World, or Far Harbour. However i am not sure if either location is large or complicated enough to warrent such (alongside neither containing many settlements] - Nuka World being more befitting of a 'new vegas' stylization, and Far Harbour being much more coastal and 'spread out' in nature, with neither really containing a large communications setup like the main HQ Building does. As such, having them operate more like 'large-scale relays' might work.

Main problem i can think of is indeed the lack of settlements in either area, though. And im not sure if major plans involving either locations are feasable.
Cliffs Edge Hotel would be a nice spot for a Far Harbor HQ location
Nuka-World would be a nice addition.

Perhaps frame it as an alternative path to cleaning out the parks? If you kill the raiders vanilla, the settlers do nothing when you explore the other parks, before or after dealing with the raiders, so the opening is there. Nuka-Galaxy's Core Mainframe & the Bottling plant would both be of extreme interest IMO to Jake & the others.

Not sure how one would make it fit if you side with the raiders all the way though. Seriously doubt Jake & co would just accept it...
Nuka-World would be a nice addition.

Perhaps frame it as an alternative path to cleaning out the parks? If you kill the raiders vanilla, the settlers do nothing when you explore the other parks, before or after dealing with the raiders, so the opening is there. Nuka-Galaxy's Core Mainframe & the Bottling plant would both be of extreme interest IMO to Jake & the others.

Not sure how one would make it fit if you side with the raiders all the way though. Seriously doubt Jake & co would just accept it...
i feel like if there was a raider route, it might have to have something that could allow raiders to up and take over the entire operation. and im not sure how that would go overall. just that it would be a massive pain to actually set up, possibly an entire chapter sized mega-addon.

when it comes to the locations, the core mainframe will Absolutely be a massive intrest to Jake and the others; mainly those star cores! they were literally designed to allow many machines to be able to communicate with the central mainframe, right? so it makes sense
not as clear on the bottling plant though, moreso the labs seem to be of intrest there

what about places like the cloning facility in safari adventure, though?
Bottling Plant is of interest cause that's a mint to the wasteland. Repair it to make fresh nuka-cola and variants, minting new, legitimate, bottlecaps. Raiders may complain that they couldn't find any bottlecaps there, but that because I doubt the average raider would even know what to look for. Plus with the weapons lab below it for the Beverageers, both Aiden & Salvador would love to look into it.

And yes, the cloning facility would be of great interest to Cassandra, completely forgot about it.