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Problems with the Project Blueprint Mods?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
The Project Blueprint mods are an ongoing project where we unlock more and more items for building!

Many of these items are from the base game, and may lack appropriate collision and therefore end up being a little awkward to work with. If you find such an item, feel free to report it and we'll try and get it fixed ASAP.

In the meantime, here are some common things you can do to deal with issues:

- If you can't select an object in workshop mode after you place it, try selecting it in console - this will allow you to adjust it using console commands - or just disable it.

- To disable an item in console, select it with your mouse, then run disable It should disappear, if it does, run markfordelete If it does NOT disappear, that means you selected the wrong thing, so you should run enable to undo whatever you just disabled.

- To move an object with console commands, select it with your mouse and run modpos x ##Where x is the axis (x = left/right, y = forward/backward, z = up/down) and ## is the number of units you want to move. For reference, a standard floor piece is 256 units across.

- If you cannot disable an item no matter how hard you try, your fastest solution is to roll back the save, but we can also just remove it later on when doing the City Plan conversion.

- If your game crashes when accessing certain sub-menus, please report the exact category you tried to access when you crashed in the Bug Reports section and tag @kinggath. I will happily build you a version of the mod with that category disabled as a temporary solution. I'm uncertain why this happens for some folks, but will continue to investigate based on these reports.