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Question Player movement in Workshop


New Member
I updated to Workshop Framework 2.0.7 and started experiencing problems moving around the settlement. While in workshop mode, I can press W all I want and I don't move. Or maybe I'll move a bit sideways. How about backwards? I can get a little movement if I press other keys at the same time - like space key that doesn't normally do much for me. Also, my wings have been clipped, so to speak. I haven't been able to get off the ground to work on upper parts of a building or whatever. Now there's a chance that it isn't WF, but the proximity between the upgrade and this behavior starting is there. The only other update I did at the same time was to update to SS2 1.0.3.
Thanx. Standing by if you need more.
I think you’ll need to check your loadorder.

what happens when you revert to an earlier save?
I checked load order and moved Framework to just after the unofficial patch. That improved movement just a shade - at least I can navigate over pebbles, but I still can't step up on anything higher than the floor and still have no above ground action. I tried to go to an earlier save, but it wouldn't recognize a lot of my other mods. I thought that was kinda odd considering I had only updated the two mods.
Have you tried toggling flight? Perhaps it’s gotten stuck.
Toggled it. No results, sadly And I noticed that the flight option is in Workshop Plus. It was Framework that I updated. Now I'm lacking something to blame. I could get along without flying, but I'm having real issues just moving in workshop mode. Shoot. I'm going to hit a few more settlements and see if it's universal or maybe just one settlement that the settlers banded together in an illegal conspiracy to ruin my life and reputation.
And now a later add-on. The problem appears to be with Workshop Plus, not Framework. Once I disabled Workshop Plus, all of my movement problems went away. Of course I don't have Flight and the other benefits of the mod, but I'm able to walk over uneven ground and not slide all over the place. I guess I should now make my way over there and start my whining all over again.
Thanks for all of your ideas.
You didn’t happen to have Workshop Plus set with stop time (I think it’s called) mode? That makes everything act like treacle.