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Patch 2.1.2 - The Smoothening

@SteelPaladin1997 - Interesting, I'm not familiar with this 'disable' method. do you have a link I could follow to read more on how its done? Thanks.
Unfortunately I do not believe Paladin noticed that you're on Xbox, so sadly there's not really a way to disable an object for those of us who can only play on console. As it would be done via the console which is only on the PC version of the game.
On PC, it causes fps loss, on XBox it can cause a ton of crashes, especially when combined with Sim Settlements due to how detailed all the models are.

Can you elaborate on this a bit? I'm on Xbox and I've got Scrap That Settlement. So that's going to cause crashes? I've been using the two together and I haven't really noticed that yet. I HAVE had some crash issues, but they were always outside of my settlements and near like Diamond City or whatever, so I wouldn't think it was related. So what kind of crashes? And is there a way to use both carefully not to cause them? STS has kind of spoiled me and I can't tolerate trashy settlements anymore. I know it's the apocalypse and all, but Lucy Abernathy probably would have swept up that big pile 'o trash that's right next to her bed by now I mean cmon
Can you elaborate on this a bit? I'm on Xbox and I've got Scrap That Settlement. So that's going to cause crashes? I've been using the two together and I haven't really noticed that yet. I HAVE had some crash issues, but they were always outside of my settlements and near like Diamond City or whatever, so I wouldn't think it was related. So what kind of crashes? And is there a way to use both carefully not to cause them? STS has kind of spoiled me and I can't tolerate trashy settlements anymore. I know it's the apocalypse and all, but Lucy Abernathy probably would have swept up that big pile 'o trash that's right next to her bed by now I mean cmon

Scrap That Settlement should be better than most scrap mods. It doesn't disable precombines and was made with console limitations in mind.
I certainly don't want to change the Apocalypse look and feel of the game; it doesn't feel or play right... just clean up some of the obvious messes to help with "Life-progress" and obvious reasons just like @Bismark said.
Thank you, AmazonQueen. You've given me some hope that my saves won't suddenly shit the bed.

I certainly don't want to change the Apocalypse look and feel of the game; it doesn't feel or play right... just clean up some of the obvious messes to help with "Life-progress" and obvious reasons just like @Bismark said.

Seriously! And how many times have you built normal workshop buildings and have to tolerate some goddamn shrub clipping through the floor? The fact that Bethesda didn't put more cleanup options in the vanilla game isn't even immersive, it's lazy.
Could somebody who has installed this patch and plays with dynamic needs off tell me if this affects food production of farms? I'm a little hesitant to install it because I don't want the balance of my settlements messed up.
@kinggath - I finally got so see some level 2 & level 3 Residential/Commercial/Industrial buildings. I even got a brewery from one of my community wells. Im fully impressed with this mod and the growth changes visually that comes from it. I love how the cheap wooden and metal buildings get doors and partitions as they evolve. There is a real sense of 'personality' in each building if you go inside and look around.

My favorite 2nd level building is the scrap building with the full size car shoved into the doorway under the roof.

one word - "Amazing"
Could somebody who has installed this patch and plays with dynamic needs off tell me if this affects food production of farms? I'm a little hesitant to install it because I don't want the balance of my settlements messed up.
It does. The bonuses on farms were tied into the same system that provides power and water for Advanced Industrial - so it was an all-or-nothing thing. I may eventually separate all of the bonuses into independent toggles, but that will require some pretty serious re-design.
@kinggath or others - Thought I would share. The only issue i have most of the time with is the door on these building types. They 'spawn' into the wrong point of the building hinging from the inside of the door jam. I refresh the building multiple times and it always spawns in the same spot before i go into workshop mode and delete it.


@SpudHut If you check the plaque on that plot, it will show the author name of the building, can you @ tag that person so they know about the issue?