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Suggestion Option to use Raider/Soldier squads outside of settlement attacks


Active Member
Community Rockstar
It would be great to have an option to command a squad of Soldiers (Raiders in my current play-through) anywhere in the game, not only when attacking settlements.
Something along the lines of: I place a beacon or issue the command through some comms device, I get to select the squad members the same way I do with settlement attacks, I wait a few minutes, squad spawns in at or close to my location, I meet up with them, they do the dirty work for me for a couple of minutes and then return to base.
This option should of course be gated behind certain requirements, e.g. a required number of outposts and troops and could even have a cost in form of caps or faction-appropriate resources, for balance reasons.

In my current play-through I control a good amount of outposts and vassals in the northwest to feel powerful, but don't necessarily want to expand any further, for role-play reasons and because I want to drag out the experience. With a mechanism like this I could still utilize my troops, with the added benefit of being able to level them up at the same time (right now, to do this I have to wait for attacks on my HQ...)
What you're asking for is a huge undertaking, and has the potential to break all the time.
What I do to have my own personal raider gang is use Unlimited Companion Framework. Then I recruit Dixie and another Disciple, plus Cait. Between you and the 3 of them you can shred any enemies easily. In fact they are so powerful you'll have to increase the difficulty of enemies.
If you really want to add some flavour to this use Hostile Companion Actions, and have your gang randomly murder people and steal stuff.
Thanks a lot for your reply, Phil. I have to admit I have no clue when it comes to the technical viability of any of my ideas, it was just something which came to my mind while playing. That's why I'm glad to find knowledgeable people here on this forum.
I will check out your mod suggestions though...