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Question NO BOUNTY


Active Member
Hello jammer,ophelia and pandora are talking about a note in the raid board i go there click in the bountys and it says what are no bountys for now is that normal??
No, because no new side quest's were added this patch. You getting that dialogue from them is just old code being cleared.
I've been having this same issue as well. Both Ophelia and Jammer tell me there is a note on the board, but when I click it ays no new bounties. I've tried leaving the cell, sleeping, and nothing changes it. The only thing that changes Jammer or Ophelia's dialogue is completing another raid. Then I complete the new quest and they go back to saying look at the board.

I just finished Burden to Bear and the last bounty quest was More Bodies, Mole Problems.

Any suggestions?
For anyone with this same problem, I think I may have found the solution. I was re-watching KG's playthrough and realized I never read Scully's Scribbles note to start the quest to drain the quarry. I just did that, slept for 24 hours and sure enough the note was on the board for Quarry Quorum.
For anyone with this same problem, I think I may have found the solution. I was re-watching KG's playthrough and realized I never read Scully's Scribbles note to start the quest to drain the quarry. I just did that, slept for 24 hours and sure enough the note was on the board for Quarry Quorum.
I suspect I messed the bounties somewhat by reading that note and completing the (vanilla?) quest that comes up, then after getting shot at by raiders there, attacking them. When I got a bounty message to go see Dakka, the dialogue was like I'd missed out on a few conversations. Went off with Ak-Ak to do what I think was their last mission, although had to come back to Ophelia to find Ak-Ak who'd wandered off home. Anyway I did wonder whether having missed out a couple of bounty missions whether it might have messed with a counter somewhere.