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Opi Vali

Active Member
Is the creator of Place Anywhere on the forums here? I think there is a disconnect with it while in Virtual Workshop. If I use any of the suspend collision options it gets stuck that way sometimes from one game session to another. Has any one else had this problem on Xbox?
I had a bunch of CTDs in the VR workshops, which seemed to be really coincidental with handing SS Foundations. There are other CTDs, but trying to track them down is really hard. You just got to see what the CTDs have in common by repeatedly having them.

The game does seem to be a bit more unstable since the VR patch. CTDs have taught me to save before and after building. Which I have to use Survival Options to enable the save on wait.
do you want to use your virtual workshop as an outpost? Do you want actual factual members in your outpost in the virtual workshop? Then all you have to do is recruit them in a real world outpost. Then through the menu send them to the virtual outpost. Go to the virtual outpost gather them all there. They will show up & it allows you to have more than your allotted number of settlers.