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Communications plot confusion


New Member
Hi, so I've got 4 settlements so far and in two of them I've put communications plots to do the whole settler cap = beds thing, this seems to be working as intended in Sanctuary but in my Starlight Drive in settlement it says the cap is still 12 (I have 18 beds), which is odd also because I'm sure it's been higher than that before because there are 16 settlers living there. I double checked that the plot has everything it needs and refreshed it but it's still stuck at 12, is there anything else obvious that I'm missing as a potential problem?
Is Starlight Drive-In using a City Plan? If you're using a City Plan, the settlement cap is set to whatever is defined for that level of that specific city plan.
Nope, all manually placed, the only other thing I'd considered is I'm running All Settlements Expanded and the comms plot is right on the edge of the vanilla Starlight border, or possibly even the other side of it. I hadn't seen any compatibility issues but is it possible the plot won't work if it's not in the vanilla border of the settlement? My comms plot in Sanctuary is right in the middle of the settlement next to the house with the workshop.
Nope, all manually placed, the only other thing I'd considered is I'm running All Settlements Expanded and the comms plot is right on the edge of the vanilla Starlight border, or possibly even the other side of it. I hadn't seen any compatibility issues but is it possible the plot won't work if it's not in the vanilla border of the settlement? My comms plot in Sanctuary is right in the middle of the settlement next to the house with the workshop.
That's worth considering. See what happens if you move the Comms plot to be within the vanilla borders. You may need to travel across the map and back to ensure the settlement re-loads and updates such values.

I don't recall ever having my comms plot outside the borders, but I have noticed, for example, a settler assigned to a commercial plot has to be standing inside the vanilla settlement borders to give me the merchant dialogue; if they're standing outside the border I just get the trade prompt.
Odd thing, so I was at Bunker Hill when I reloaded the save so teleported back with console and before I noticed what the number was I deleted my old radio tower as it wasn't necessary, and either that fixed it or it had just fixed itself anyway because by the time the script loaded the number up it was up to 19 settler cap. That was weird, is it possible I just needed to visit the settlement, leave and come back and it was all fixed? I noticed my farms at Tenpines weren't working either for a bit when I wasn't near them but then visited and they sorted themselves out.