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Well-Known Member
Hello one and all.

As now many of you know, I am working on a big addon that will add 7 different weekly newspapers to compete with the New Bugle (completely seperate from the Bugle).

One of them is going to be a magazine that will serve as a sort of bestiary. There will be around 30 issues and I am looking forsomeone who can and want to sketch 30 creatures from Fallout. I'm not 100% decided on the details but the goal is to have all those magazines giving a small bonus against those creatures. As for the drawings, it would be on the cover and it would include everything from Deathclaws to molerats and even one plant. The newspaper is called Plants, Insects, Animals (and other mutated things trying to kill you).

I'd be looking for a very "rough sketch" look. Could even be a bit over the top like concept art is. Im open to discuss with the future kidnapped artist.

Anyone interested please feel free to either answer below or reach out in private as you see fit.

Thanks for your interest
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There is no need anymore, someone has shown interest and is already working with me on the project. Thank you.
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